Obiettivi formativi
macro level indices of social progress, in particular the Social Progress Index.
Contenuti dell'insegnamento
Having understood the multidimensional character of the microeconomics of building competitiveness this course will proceed to take a critical look at strategic decision-making in business challenging in particular some of the narrower models of strategy based exclusively on shareholder wealth maximisation; instead a broader approach to firm strategy based on considerations of sustainability and ethical business and respecting the interests of all stakeholders will be introduced.
From there the discussion will widen out to the macro level to encompass the meaning of social progress and its measurement through such indices as the Social Progress Index.
Programma esteso
Creating Shared Value and its implications for business strategy; Corporate Citizenship
Macro indices to measure creation of shared value: the Social Progress Index; other alternative indices; Comparison of country performmance in ndetail on SPI and SPI score cards.
CRANE A and MATTEN D (2010) “Business Ethics”, 3rd edition Oxford University Press. [Chapter 1 is a good introduction to basic concepts]
O’SULLIVAN P, SMITH M and ESPOSITO M (2012) “Business Ethics: a critical approach integrating ethics across the business world” Routledge, London
O’SULLVAN P (2014) Conceptual Foundations of the Social Progress Index in Social Progress Index 2014 Methodological Report, ch 2, Social Progress Imperative, Washington DC. [This website gives free access to a whole array of data and comment on the Social Progress Index].
Metodi didattici
Lezioni classiche seminari e discussionii
Modalità verifica apprendimento
Esame finale (100%)
Altre informazioni
Sarebbe utile di avere fatto il corso Competitiveness, Business Strategy and Social Progress 1
Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
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