cod. 1012496

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Roberto MAZZI
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The design and CAd course for the building project aims to train students by providing the basic tools and knowledge for the correct representation of the project, making them aware of the multiple methods of approach related to the design activities of a building project, developing practical skills for understanding and communicating the graphic elements. The aim of the exercise will be to lead the student to carry out a reasoned process to facilitate the understanding of the evolutionary process of a project.


Knowledge of orthogonal and oblique projections facilitates an easy understanding of the basic concepts involved in CAD representation. These will be covered in the first part of the course

Course unit content

The course deals with issues related to the representation of the project through the use of digital IT tools, analysing the potential of CAD drawing. An initial training part will cover the methodological approach concerning the various types of representation related to the areas of production of the drawings themselves, i.e. the aspects of graphic conventions based on UNI standards.
This will enable the nodal topics of representation in the construction field to be addressed.
Theoretical and practical lessons are planned, in which the following topics will be covered:
-Drawing topics:
Representation of simple geometric elements
Orthogonal representation for the building project
Representation of symbolic elements

- Arguments related to 2D CAD
Basic principles of CAD2D programmes
Drawing tools
Layout, layers, layout, printing styles, publishing

Full programme

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AA.VV., Grande atlante di architettura (13 voll.), Utet, Torino, 2002.
AA.VV., “Norme per il disegno tecnico”, UNI, Milano, 2005.
Marco Canciani, “I disegni di progetto. Costruzioni, tipi e analisi”, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2009

Teaching methods

The course will be conducted through lectures and classroom exercises, with the aid of digital teaching materials and supporting videos, supported by reviews of the papers produced and reference texts.

Assessment methods and criteria

Intermediate tests will be scheduled during the course period, with the presentation of papers produced using pencil drawing and 2D CAD programmes. The final examination will be the final handing in of the papers produced with a check on the learning of the topics covered.
The assessment will be weighted with 30% of the final grade for the graphic work produced in pencil, 30% on the work produced with Cad software, 40% on the final discussion

Other information

The student will have to use his or her own means for pencil drawing and Cad drawing, it will be the student's responsibility to equip himself or herself with the appropriate tools to carry out the activity (e.g. laptop computer)