cod. 06208

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Istologia (BIO/17)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The target of the course is to allow the student to know and to understand the essential elements of the tissues and organs structure. The student will
utilize knowledge and understanding for Anatomy and Physiology future study. At the end of the course the student will demonstrate knowledge and
understandin about: Cell strucrute and organization, Tissue structure and organization, Multi tissutal units structure and organization. Moreover, students will be aquire knowledge and understanding applying knowledge or learning skills to discuss critically the molecular bases of cell differentiation.
1 Dublin descriptor - knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to systematically and topographically describe the conformation and structure of tissues in the ultrastructural aspects of cell morphology and describe the organogenesis and the stages of development.
2 Dublin descriptor- applied knowledge and understanding: identify morphological and functional diversity, provide a methodological approach preparatory to clinical reasoning.
3 Dublin descriptor - making judgements: the student must be able to sustain a functional histological/morphological reasoning.
4 Dublin Descriptor - Communication skills: The student must possess a precise technical language in histology and microscopic anatomy.
5 Dublin descriptor - learning skills: the student must be able to synthesize autonomously the numerous histological and morphological information in a functional perspective


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Course unit content

In the first part of the course will be summarized principle of cytology an in particular will be focused cell organization and aggregation. In the second part of the course will be developed the structural aspects of different tissues, referring in particular to the muscolo scheletal

Full programme

The cell. Physico-chemical aspects. Biological properties. Cytology and cellular ultrastructures. Cell proliferation, cell cycle, cell death, stemness. Skeletal muscle tissue. fiber types, cytology, and ultrastructure. Regeneration and hyperplasia and hypertrophy.


R Di Primio et al
Istologia Umana
Ed. Idelson
NM Maraldi et al. Istologia Medica; Casa Editrice Edi Ermes
NM Maraldi et al. Biologia - Citologia Medica; Casa Editrice Edi Ermes

Teaching methods

Front oral lessons or if possible on line lessons by using microsoft Teams

Assessment methods and criteria

To evaluate the achievement of the estimated goals, a multiple choice
quiz test will be performed. Questions regarding the content of the
course will be employed to evaluate the reaching of the knowledge and
understanding of the contents

Other information

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