Career prospects

Graduates in exercise science can find employment as technical specialists in sports clubs, third sector organisations or public, cooperative or private enterprises in the field of personal services. He/she may specialise as an instructor in specific sports disciplines, as a technical manager of the implementation of activity programmes in gyms or sports facilities, or as a coordinator or manager of gymnasium activities.  Finally, s/he will be able to deepen his/her skills in technical-sports practice to become an athletic trainer at amateur or professional sports clubs.

Professional in motor activities and sport for health

The motor activity and sport for health professional is able to work in public and private facilities in which s/he carries out activities in the technical-sports field, in the organisational and management sector, in health promotion and in leisure-related activities.

In particular, the motor and sports activities professional:
- conducts and supervises the execution of individual and group motor activity programmes of an educational nature, aimed at recovering and maintaining physical fitness and psycho-physical well-being; - conducts and supervises the execution of individual and group training programmes aimed at maintaining and improving performance in the recreational and sporting spheres - takes care of the promotion and enhancement of active and healthy lifestyles; - takes care of the introduction to sport in children through specific motor programmes and didactic and educational activities; - collaborates in the organisation and management of sports clubs and bodies and sports facilities.
In order to acquire greater autonomy and levels of responsibility in the profession, the professional may enter Second-cycle degree courses of the LM-47, LM-67, LM-68 classes.

Specific specialised knowledge, skills and abilities are required for the performance of the functions of the motor activity and sport for health professional.

The main competencies associated with the functions of the motor and sport health professional are:
- knowledge of the biological basis of movement and adaptation to physical exercise depending on the type, intensity and duration of the exercise, the age and gender of the trainee and the conditions in which the exercise is carried out; - knowledge of motor techniques of a preventive, compensatory, adaptive nature and the ability to transmit them correctly to the trainee with attention to the specificities of gender, age and physical condition - knowledge of the mechanics of the human body in motion in order to implement motor programmes, as well as of the metabolism of the human body in motion; - knowledge of techniques and tools useful for muscle strengthening, being able to assess their effectiveness and predict their impact on the trainee's physical constitution and psycho-physical wellbeing - knowledge of techniques and methodologies for measuring and evaluating physical exercise; - ability to prepare motor programmes and individual and group sports activities; - skills related to the possession of the knowledge and cultural and methodological tools necessary to conduct motor and sports activity programmes at individual and group level; - basic psychological and sociological skills to be able to interact effectively with practitioners according to age, gender, social condition, both at individual and group level; - basic legal skills related to the management of the various forms of motor and sports activities, within the scope of specific professional competences.
In some areas of professionalisation, greater specialisation and in-depth skills may be required. In addition to self-study and continuous training skills, adequate transversal communication-relational, organisational-management and planning skills are required, in accordance with the level of autonomy and responsibility assigned.

The motor and sport health professional is able to work as a freelancer or employee in:
- sports clubs at all levels; - sports organisations and recreational and social associations; - gyms; - fitness centres, wellness centres, tourist facilities; - swimming pools; - bodies and structures involved in the promotion of sport; - companies producing and distributing products and services related to the world of sport and physical activity.
It can play several roles in such contexts:
- individual or team coach; - physical education instructor; - consultant for sports facilities, equipment, clothing and nutrition companies; - technical operator for sports clubs, third sector activities or public enterprises.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student Registery office

E. [] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 903700

Quality assurance office

Manager for the degree course:
Maria Lucrezia Giorgetta

T. +39 0521 033745
E. service
E. of the manager

Course President

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi

Guidance delegate and tutoring

Prof.ssa Daniela Galli

Prof. Giancarlo Condello

Career guidance delegates

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi

Prof. Prisco Mirandola


Prof.ssa Elena Ferrari

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi

Prof. Cosimo Costantino

Prof.ssa Daniela Galli

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Ronda

Prof.ssa Ileana Ramazzina


Prof. Roberto Sala

Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ)

Prof.ssa Elena Ferrari


Prof.ssa Daniela Galli - 2nd year - 1st semester

Prof.ssa Ileana Ramazzina - 2nd year - 2nd semester

Prof. Prisco Mirandola - 3rd year - 1st semester

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi - 3rd year - 2st semester