Transfers and course transitions

A student enrolled at another university who wishes to study at our university or who is enrolled at this university and wishes to study elsewhere may apply for a transfer. In the first case it is an incoming transfer, in the second an outgoing transfer.
If the student is enrolled at this University, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a change of course. A student who has enrolled in a given academic year may apply, by the deadline for the second instalment of fees and without any charge, for an option to another course of study. After this date, the option is no longer allowed and it is necessary to apply for a change of course.


Applications for transfer to years subsequent to the first are accepted from the Degree Course in Physical Education, Sport and Health Sciences only. Depending on the year of admission, the transfer student will have to comply with the regulations in force for that year.
Applications for clearance must be received by the Careers and Services for Students division for Medicine and Surgery from 1 July to 25 August each year. Leave sheets must be received by 31 December of the current year.


Requests for transfer clearance must be submitted by filling out the Form. A/25, available both at the Careers and Services for Students division of Medicine and Surgery and on the website in the 'Forms' section.
Applications can be submitted from 1 July to 25 August to the Careers and Services for Students division of Medicine and Surgery - via Volturno, 39 - also by post, by registered mail with return receipt. In this case, a photocopy of a valid ID document must be attached. The postmark will not be taken as proof.

The Mod. A/25 must be accompanied by:
- A self-certification stating the years of enrolment, examinations taken, attendance credits acquired including internships according to form A/26, which can be downloaded from the University website in the 'Forms' section
- course programmes of all the subjects followed and their ECTS credits
- programme of study
- Elective Teaching Activities carried out.

The applications will be examined at the first available degree course council, which will decide on the year of enrolment, the granting of authorisation and the recognition of the career completed.
Students from foreign universities must enclose with the transfer application, in lieu of self-certification, the original certificates issued by the university of origin, accompanied by a legalised translation in Italian, and the analytical programmes of the examinations taken.
It should also be noted that candidates must arrange, at their own expense, for the withdrawal of the documentation submitted, four months after the date of publication of the results and, furthermore, six months after the same date, the University cannot be held responsible in any way for the documentation submitted by individual candidates.


If the request is accepted, the interested party must:
a) Apply to the Careers and Services for Students division for Medicine and Surgery of Parma for the transfer clearance by sending an email to or by fax 0521347017 with the following subject: "NULLA OSTA TRASFERIMENTO";
b) The transfer clearance itself will be sent to the interested party by e-mail or fax and must be delivered to the university of origin in order to be able to finalise the university transfer application;
c) request from the university of origin the declaration of having applied for a transfer;
d) finalise the transfer on the University's official website, following the procedure indicated. You must also submit the signed application with the required documents and receipts for payments made, including the leave fee, to the Careers and Services for Students division of Medicine and Surgery.



Possono presentare domanda di convalida tutti gli studenti che abbiano sostenuto degli esami presso l’Università di Parma o altri Atenei, indipendentemente dal fatto che le rispettive carriere siano cessate a seguito di rinuncia, decadenza, conseguimento del titolo finale, o, ancora, che il richiedente abbia effettuato un passaggio di corso o un trasferimento da altro ateneo.

Per presentare domanda, l’interessato è tenuto ad inviare alla Segreteria Studenti, all’indirizzo, una scansione dei seguenti documenti:

  • Modulo di richiesta (disponibile al seguente link), debitamente firmato;
  • Programmi analitici degli esami superati di cui si chiede la convalida;
  • Autodichiarazione di carriera pregressa;
  • Documento di identità.

Sono esonerati dall’obbligo di inviare i programmi analitici esclusivamente gli studenti che chiedano la convalida di esami sostenuti in carriere interrotte per passaggio di corso. In tutti gli altri casi (trasferimento, rinuncia, ecc.), i programmi devono essere sempre inoltrati in formato PDF ed essere suddivisi in tanti file quanti sono gli esami di cui si chiede il riconoscimento.

Vista la delibera del Consiglio del corso di laurea in Scienze motorie, sport e salute del 14 giugno 2023, non saranno accettate domande di convalida pervenute successivamente al 31 gennaio 2023.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student Registery office

E. [] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 903700

Quality assurance office

Manager for the degree course:
Maria Lucrezia Giorgetta

T. +39 0521 033745
E. service
E. of the manager

Course President

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi

Guidance delegate and tutoring

Prof.ssa Daniela Galli

Prof. Giancarlo Condello

Career guidance delegates

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi

Prof. Prisco Mirandola


Prof.ssa Elena Ferrari

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi

Prof. Cosimo Costantino

Prof.ssa Daniela Galli

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Ronda

Prof.ssa Ileana Ramazzina


Prof. Roberto Sala

Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ)

Prof.ssa Elena Ferrari


Prof.ssa Daniela Galli - 2nd year - 1st semester

Prof.ssa Ileana Ramazzina - 2nd year - 2nd semester

Prof. Prisco Mirandola - 3rd year - 1st semester

Prof.ssa Giuliana Gobbi - 3rd year - 2st semester