cod. 01949

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia delle dottrine politiche (SPS/02)
Discipline storico-sociali, giuridico-economiche, politologiche e delle relazioni internazionali
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Acquire a deeper and more sophisticated knowledge of the origins and the historical development of Western political thought both in ancient and modern times.
- This course will help students to understand the main themes and authors of the Western political tradition in the historical contexts where they developed.
- Students are expected to be able to analyze and interpret past and present national and international political scenarios.
- They are also supposed to elaborate an independent critical textual analysis, and to associate different authors to their political thoughts.
- By analyzing political thinkers’ thought, students will be able to clearly develop critical ideas on the main questions related to modern and contemporary politics. Particular emphasis will be given to the gain of specific skills in the domain of communication and journalistic professions.



Course unit content

The first part of the course will pursue an introductory aim. By focussing on the works of some of the most important Western political thinkers, the lectures will address the origins and development of the main political concepts in ancient and modern history. This knowledge will be helpful to understand the political experiences of past epochs and of the contemporary world too. The teaching will discuss some of the most relevant historical events that shaped the history of political thought, from ancient times to the modern age (i.e. the crisis of the polis model in the Greek world; the civil and religious wars in the perspective of the birth of the modern State; the French Revolution and its consequences on the ideas and political institutions in the nineteenth century; WWI and the birth of mass society; totalitarianism in Europe and the liberal and social models of democracy).
The second part of the course, taught by professor Kinch Hoekstra, The second part of the course will focus on Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan through textual examination of some crucial sections of the work. Lectures will illustrate the main features of a text that is both a masterpiece of political philosophy and a broad exploration of human nature, social conflict, legal authority and the role of religion in society. Students will be introduced to a wide range of textual interpretation methods, ranging from historical-contextual analysis to analytic philosophy, from book history to game theory.

Full programme

The origins of political thought in ancient Greece; the political thought of the main Greek philosphers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; political thought and law in the Roman Republic; Roman thought: Polybius and Cicero; the coming of Christianity: Augustine and Aquinas; Machiavelli; State and sovereignty: Bodin; State of nature, civil society, authority and liberty in Hobbes; Locke’s political thought; Constitution, powers and liberty in Montesquieu; liberty and equality in Rousseau; David Hume; Adam Smith; the American Revolution and “the Federalist”; Sieyès, the French Revolution and its critics; Representation, parties and revolution in Burke; Kant’s political thought; liberalism: B. Constant; democracy and liberty in Tocqueville; socialist currents in the early 19th century and the communist doctrine of K. Marx; liberty and representation in John Stuart Mill; twentieth century political thought: the elitist school (Mosca, Pareto, Michels); Carl Schmitt; Max Weber; totalitarianism.


For the first part:
1) L.M. Bassani, A. Mingardi, Dalla Polis allo Stato. Introduzione alla Storia del pensiero politico, Giappichelli, Torino 2022 fino a pag. 285;
2) J.J. Chevallier, Le grandi opere del pensiero politico. Da Machiavelli ai nostri giorni, Il Mulino, Bologna 1998;
3) P. P. Portinaro, Il realismo politico, Scholé 2023.
For the second part:
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, edited by D. Johnston, introduced by K. Hoekstra and D. Johnston, Norton, New York, 2021.
Selected passages from other works by Thomas Hobbes.
Selection of secondary bibliography.

No difference between attending and not attending students. However, attending students will be allowed to face topics specifically dealt with during the course.

Teaching methods


Students can make proposals for minor group seminarial discussions focused on the analysis of texts (even in the original version). The relationship between the text and the historical context (by stressing the several institutional, socio-economic and philosophical features) is one of the most prominent aims of the course.
During lectures visual instruments (e.g. instance slides, PPT) are not normally used but constant reference is made to visual sources, which can be easily found online. Students are warmly invited to make use of these suggestions.
The second part of the course will offer a close analysis of some famous chapters of the Leviathan devoted to a wide range of topics: natural law, contract, representation, rights and duties of sovereignty, forms of state, liberty, law and punishment. The texts will be presented and discussed during classes with a permanent teaching support.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the exam students should take into consideration:

a) Mastery of basic elements, factual as well conceptual, concerning the course.

b) Assurance in relating authors and works to their historical context.

c) Use of a correct and accurate language.

d) A critical (not simply mnemonic) attitude will be greatly appreciated.

Other information

Students particularly interested in the course, especially those who are thinking to write a thesis in the field, but unable to attend, can directly get in touch with the professor.

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