Course units and programme of study
The programme of study is the set of compulsory and elective course units that the student must take in order to graduate.
Submission of the programme of study for your year of enrolment is compulsory and is required, in particular, for registration for examinations and for completion of the teaching evaluation questionnaires.
All current students must submit their programme of study online via the Esse3 system.
The programme of study may differ according to the academic year of enrolment ('cohort'); it may also provide for a choice between different study paths ('curricula').
To see the list of courses that you can include in your programme of study, select the academic year of enrolment and, if available, the curriculum.
Search the course units of the programme of study
Search for courses from previous years
For courses from previous years, you need to refer to the course archive Archivio corsi by selecting the relevant year.
How the programme of study works
The list of course units in the programme of study represents all the training activities available for each of the years of the degree course and changes according to the year in which the student enrols. ‘Free-choice or restricted-choice' course units are optional learning activities that students may include in their programme of study according to the choice criteria specified on this page; the remaining course units are compulsory for all students.
The programme of study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the ESSE3 system (see dedicated section).
Students are allowed to submit their own programme of study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in ESSE3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's educational objectives. In that case, the programme must be submitted to the Course Council for approval.
Programme of Study Compilation
The compilation and modification are allowed only for students who are currently enrolled and in good standing with their registration.
All information regarding the general procedures and compilation periods is available on the dedicated page for programme of study compilation on the Department's website.
Specific Compilation Instructions for the Course
The choice of elective credits can be made from the courses offered by your own program or from those offered by other undergraduate and/or master's programs at the University in the current academic year, provided that courses already taken in the undergraduate program or transfers of previously completed courses are not selected.
First-year students can advance the completion of student-choice elective credits (TAF D) scheduled for the second year and the internship (TAF F).
Second-year students can include additional credits (up to 12 ECTS) in their study plan compared to the minimum requirements set by the academic regulations. Once added, these exams become an integral part of the student's plan and must be completed before graduation.
Study plans for part-time students: The plan must be completed on paper. Copies and instructions for compilation will be sent via email (University account). In case of non-receipt, please contact the Course Teaching Service at the address
Study plans for Out-of-course students: The study plan cannot be modified. In case of legitimate educational issues, the student must submit a request for modification to the Course President for approval by the Course Council. Changing the study plan implies enrollment in the academic year 2023/2024 and the possibility of graduating from the first available session of that academic year (July 2024)
Programmes of study
The complete programme of study are specified on the files attached below.
Insegnamenti Blended
Il corso di laurea magistrale in Giornalismo, Cultura editoriale, Comunicazione ambientale e multimediale è erogato in modalità blended/mista; questo significa che oltre alla modalità di svolgimento tradizionale comune a tutti gli insegnamenti, alcuni corsi saranno offerti anche in modalità blended. Quest'ultima possibilità costituisce una proposta didattica innovativa attraverso le tecnologie messe gratuitamente a disposizione di tutti gli studenti per migliorare la qualità dello studio e della gestione del percorso universitario, grazie alla flessibilità offerta dai materiali didattici interattivi creati ad hoc.
Si tratta di un percorso formativo che prevede l’utilizzo integrato delle TIC (Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione) o ICT (Information Communication Technologies) e la tradizionale didattica in presenza. Un percorso blended consiste in:
· -lezioni in presenza, erogate all’interno delle aule dell’Università di Parma;
· -lezioni con frequenza a distanza svolte in “aule o spazi virtuali”, erogate attraverso l’utilizzo della tecnologia (audio, video, testi elettronici, ecc.) con materiali pensati e creati apposta per questo utilizzo.
Le attività vengono opportunamente guidate e svolte con la supervisione del docente responsabile del corso.
Tutti gli iscritti possono usufruire di questa modalità di fruizione dei corsi.
Non ci sono differenze sostanziali rispetto a un corso di laurea tradizionale, infatti, i contenuti, i docenti e le modalità d’esame sono le stesse dei corsi in presenza.
Nei percorsi blended gli studenti interagiscono tramite l’utilizzo della piattaforma e-learning Elly, grazie alla quale è possibile la frequenza online dei corsi, la consultazione e l’accesso al materiale didattico, la partecipazione ai forum. Possono accedere a tutte queste funzioni, da qualsiasi dispositivo dotato di una connessione internet in grado di collegarsi alla piattaforma.
· Sociologia della comunicazione politica - 6 CFU
· Comunicazione web e data journalism - 6 CFU
· Social Media, news e comunicazione pubblicitaria - 6 CFU
· Storia del libro, della stampa e delle professioni editoriali - 6 CFU
· Sociologia della letteratura - 6 CFU
· Giornalismo in rete e nuovi media (modulo dell'integrato "Teorie e pratiche del giornalismo") - 6 CFU
· Letteratura contemporanea e sistema editoriale - 6 CFU