
The University of Parma promotes job placements in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and study-work alternation experiences.

The curricular internship integrates and completes the student's curriculum through the performance of practical activities which, on the basis of the provisions of their respective degree course regulations, may be carried out in structures within the University or externally at qualified public and private bodies with which the University has entered into appropriate agreements.

The internship involves three parties: the student, the promoter (the University of Parma) and the host (company or organisation) where the activity is carried out under the guidance of a university tutor, a University professor/instructor and a company supervisor.

Curricular internships are not a prerequisite for an employment relationship between the intern and the host structure, nor can they be a substitute for company labour or professional services.
Activities related to the internships in Journalism and Publishing Culture will be supervised by Prof. Sabrina Tosi Cambini. The delegated professor follows the interns’ progress by ensuring contact with the offices.

Essential Intern Handbook

Each student on the course is required to acquire 12 compulsory ECTS credits as part of 'Internships, traineeship or other training activities', aimed at implementing practical skills and abilities.

The required 12 ECTS credits can be obtained:

- through internships at in-house locations such as:


the Unipr press office,

the Unipr Water Centre,

the University Centre for International Cooperation

- or venues outside the university:

publishing houses,


press offices,

communication agencies, etc.

- and/or by attending workshops organised by our degree course (see the dedicated section on this page). 

PLEASE NOTE: The acquisition of ECTS credits for internships and workshops follows the criterion of awarding 1 ECTS credit for every 25 hours of activity (which in the case of workshops may also include the hours of practice required to perform the assigned tasks).
Acquisition of the 12 ECTS credits

In order to achieve the required 12 ECTS credits, it is possible to:

  • carry out a single internship of 300 hours (for a total of 12 ECTS credits).
  • attend one or more workshops and complete the acquisition of the remaining ECTS credits through the internship (e.g: 2 ECTS credits workshop + 10 ECTS credits internship). Only workshops organised by the course will be validated.

The acquisition of the 12 ECTS credits is compulsory and the 12 ECTS credits cannot be exceeded (it is therefore not possible to count, for example, two internships).


Workshops and training activities


Within the framework of the second-cycle degree course in Journalism and Publishing Culture, laboratory activities are organised that enable attending students to obtain ECTS credits in the area of 'Internships, traineeships or other training activities', more information and details can be found in the individual workshop files.

In addition, seminars are offered, attendance at which is highly recommended, in close correlation with some of the course units.

The professor in charge is Prof. Isotta Piazza. The appointed professor for internships, traineeships and other training activities is available for appointments with interns in her office (Via M. D'Azeglio 85/A - second floor).

How is the internship confirmed?

La nuova gestione prevede che ogni singolo interlocutore AZIENDA, STUDENTE, UNIVERSITA’ gestisca esclusivamente on line la parte di propria competenza relativa alla sottoscrizione dei Progetti formativi e alla gestione dei riconoscimenti dei periodi di stage effettuati dallo studente.

Dal momento in cui lo studente avvia la pratica online dovranno trascorrere almeno 15 giorni affinché la procedura vada a buon fine.

Tutte le informazioni si trovano su:

Under the new management system, each individual interlocutor COMPANY, STUDENT, UNIVERSITY will manage their own part of the process exclusively online (relating to the authorising of training projects and the management of the recognition of internship periods carried out by the student).

From the date the student starts the online application, at least 15 days must elapse for the procedure to be successful.

All information can be found at:

When can/must I start the traineeship?

The student can start the internship in the 2nd year. When compiling the programme of study, they will have to choose between:

- Internship within the university site (e.g. ParmAteneo, Unipr press office, Unipr Water Centre, University Centre for International Cooperation)

- Internship outside the university site (e.g. publishing houses, journalistic editorial offices, press offices, communication agencies, etc.)

- Internship abroad

Below is a list of companies and editorial offices where students from previous academic years have carried out internships:

Internship Locations

PLEASE NOTE: the student must in any case independently check the availability of the chosen location by sending his or her curriculum vitae (specifying that he or she is applying for an internship as a Unipr student). The student may seek alternative venues to those listed.


What do I have to do when I have completed my internship?

The internship is also marked as completed online. In order to complete the operation, it is necessary to attach the "Internship Evaluation Questionnaire" form (by the student) and the "Internship Evaluation Questionnaire" form (by the company). For technical reaons, several days may elapse between when the student closes the internship to when it is displayed on their record.

Recognition of external activities already completed that could count as an internship.

The university gives the student the right to receive credit for internship-like experiences already undertaken. In this case, the student must:

1. have begun the placement while already enrolled at the university;

2. at the time of applying for recognition, have completed the placement no more than two years previously;

3. be in possession of appropriate documentation issued by the host organisation at which he or she has undertaken the placement, from which the following is clearly evident:

- the start and end dates of the internship;

- the total number of hours of the internship;

- an accurate and non-generic description of the activities carried out, which must obviously be congruent with the syllabi on the student's degree course;

- the most accurate assessment possible, by the person in charge of the host structure, of the intern's activity.
These documents should be sent to who will forward them to the next Course Council for evaluation.

PLEASE NOTE: This procedure for validating external placements takes approximately two months  


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manger:
Dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 034133
Office E. dusic.giornalismo@unipr 
Manager E. valentina.galeotti@unipr

President of the degree course

Prof. Marco Deriu

Faculty advisor

Prof. Matteo Truffelli

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Laura Gherardi

Tutor Professors

Prof. Matteo Truffelli

Prof. Marco Deriu

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Paola Volpini

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Matteo Truffelli


Prof.ssa Sabrina Tosi Cambini

Tutor students

Alberto NEGRI 
