Learning objectives
The student must be able to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills related to the clinical care procedures foreseen in the clinical training experience of the 1st year of the course. He must also acquire knowledge that allows him to develop skills useful for the prevention and education of healthy lifestyles to act in areas where prevention and health promotion activities are carried out. Finally, it must acquire the ability to operate within a multidisciplinary team aimed at solving patient health problems through the application and use of clinical reasoning and critical thinking
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Course unit content
The values of the nursing profession
The image of the nurse
Round table: health professions compared
The welcome
Pressure sores: prevention and management
Waste management
Hand washing
Collection and management of secretions and excretions
Procedure for remaking the free and occupied bed
Procedures relating to body care and hygiene
Procedure for positioning and managing the bladder catheter
Procedure for wound dressing
Respiratory system: presentation of a clinical case that involves the detection of respiratory rate and oxygen saturation with the need to administer oxygen therapy and carry out bronchial aspiration
Cardio-circulatory system: presentation of a clinical case that involves the detection of blood pressure, pulse and the execution of the electrocardiogarmma
Procedure relating to the execution of the venous blood sampling and the positioning of the peripheral venous catheter
Procedure related to the execution of the enteroclism
Procedure relating to the positioning and management of the gastric nose tube
Full programme
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Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with the use of audiovisual aids, classroom simulations, role playng
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam through multiple choice quizzes and structured objective clinical exam (OSCE)
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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