Learning objectives
The student must be able to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills related to the clinical assistance procedures foreseen in the clinical training experience of the 1st year of the course. He must also acquire knowledge that allows him to develop skills useful for prevention and education for healthy lifestyles to act in areas where prevention and health promotion activities are carried out. Finally, he must acquire the ability to operate within a multidisciplinary team aimed at solving the patient's health problems through the application and use of clinical reasoning and critical thinking.
The course "Communication laboratory in nursing" aims to help the student understand the importance of communication, to know its elements and acquire awareness of their own communication style, to develop communication skills in taking care of care.
- Orient yourself in the reality of the specific internship context by identifying the characteristics and purposes of the structure/service and identify the functions of the figures who work there
- Develop responsible behaviors and attitudes with respect to the learning context and the training process
- Acquire/strengthen listening and openness skills to establish an effective and professional relationship with patients, families and the figures present in the operating unit/service
- Design, deliver and evaluate personal assistance through the observation and execution of basic and advanced techniques, respecting the programming of pre-clinical laboratories and the protocols in use at the facility: prevention of biological, physical and chemical risk ; execution of the technical activities demonstrating knowledge of the principles of health education and promotion; hospitality; assessment; application of diagnostic prescriptions (hemoglucotest, urine test, venipuncture); mobilization of the person; comfort and personal care of the person; faecal and urinary elimination; oral hygiene; monitoring of vital functions; reduction/elimination of pain; maintenance of body temperature; cardio-circulatory function; respiratory function; nutritional function; placement and management of the SNG; ECG detection; medication management.
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Course unit content
The values of the nursing profession
The image of the nurse
Round table: comparison of health professions
Pressure ulcers: prevention and management
Waste management
Hand washing
Collection and management of secretions and excretions
Free and occupied bed making procedure
Procedures related to the care and hygiene of the body
Procedure for positioning and managing the bladder catheter
Wound dressing procedure
Respiratory system: presentation of a clinical case involving the detection of respiratory frequency and oxygen saturation with the need to administer oxygen therapy and to perform bronchoaspiration
Cardiocirculatory system: presentation of a clinical case involving the detection of blood pressure, pulse and the execution of the electrocardiogram
Procedure relating to the execution of the venous blood sampling and the positioning of the peripheral venous catheter
Procedure related to the execution of the enema
Procedure relating to the placement and management of the nasogastric tube
COMMUNICATION: links and references to the contents dealt with in the teaching "communication laboratory II (axiom- scope - context - sources - verbal and non-verbal communication - codes - forms - proxemics)
WELCOME, OBSERVATION AND LISTENING as a tool for communication and ascertaining the person to take care of. Observation of the assisted person and of the family context, of the communication style, detection of the major sociological data, in situations of assistance.
Link between theoretical learning and operational practice. Cognitive, affective, relational, organizational and value-based knowledge that allows knowledge to be translated into professional practice but also to enrich and consolidate the world of ideas with new contents and reflect on emotional and value-based aspects.
- Elements of biomechanics useful for understanding the maneuvers and how the operator should position himself
- Elements of biomechanics useful for carrying out grips and maneuvers for the correct mobilization of the patient
- Postural steps:
- Return of non-cooperative and partially cooperative patients to bed
- How to put a patient on his back
- Side shift of the non-cooperative and partially cooperative patient
- Uncooperative and partially cooperative patient's side posture
- Supine-seated transition with legs out of bed (Short sitting) of the partially cooperating patient
- Short sitting posture of the partially collaborating patient
- Posture in the cardiology chair of the non-cooperative patient
- Bed-wheelchair transition of the partially collaborating patient
- Walking assistance to the partially collaborating patient
- Presentation and description of the use of major and minor aids
Full programme
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- F.Giusti - R.Romero, The welcome, Sovera editions, 2005
- Pamela Lynn, Taylor's Manual of Nursing Techniques and Procedures, PICCIN ed.
- Lynda Juall Carpenito Moyet, Nursing Diagnosis, CEA ed.
For the safe mobilization laboratory, the material is provided by the teacher
Teaching methods
Lectures with the use of audiovisual supports, classroom simulations, role playing, role games, simulations of healthcare contexts, learning in the field, nursing assessment at the patient's bed
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam through multiple choice quizzes and structured objective clinical exam (OSCE), written test, intermediate formative assessment and final certification assessment
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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