cod. 1009001

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Second semester
Francesco FULVI
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
The aim of the teaching is the consolidation of the fundamental skills for the correct and complete interpretation of the technological, energy and environmental building needs to be applied to an existing building in order to carry out its comprehensive and detailed analysis. The evaluation of the most appropriate and sustainable methods is functional to transformation, adaptation and recovery of the selected building.
The ability to choose and correctly use the technical components, elements and tools for energy, environmental and functional adaptation of the building will be acquired, as well as the ability to identify passive bioclimatic intervention strategies for an existing building.
Autonomy of judgment:
At the end of the course, the student must have developed the ability to critically evaluate which tools and techniques of retrofit and restoration of the building are the most suitable with regards to regulatory needs, which ones are the most advantageous choices in terms of performance achieved.
Communication skills:
Students will develop the ability to describe, communicate and represent at various scales the choices made for the recovery and energy retrofit of the building, for its envelope component and for building system plant, through the use of the most appropriate methods, tools and calculations.
Learning ability:
The lectures, practical exercises and site visits aim to consolidate the student's skills in the correct approach existing context and existing building: the student should have matured the knowledge and skills of the discipline to face, in the future, an in-depth study and autonomous application of these aspects.


Knowledge of the most common technologies for the building envelope, main concepts of building statics, basic notions of building thermophysics.

Course unit content

The laboratory has interest to teach about technological and plant design with particular attention to the technological aspects and that is to the role of materials, construction processes, systems for aspects relating to the environment and with attention to the relationships between the different participants in the project and building construction.

The activity of this course is aimed at providing the student with the ability to use the knowledge of construction technologies and systems at the service of buildings so that they can enhance design creativity and not limit it.

The laboratory activity also represents an opportunity for the student to apply the technological and plant concepts in a complete way by integrating the aspects related to the constructability of an object, from the moment of conception to the executive detail; the ability to develop verifiable and controllable solutions through several simple themes, each characterized by distinct objectives.

Starting from the project of an existing building entirely to be redeveloped the key to environmental sustainability, the laboratory lessons are aimed at providing the student with the skills to adapt an existing building to the regulations of energy containment and reduction of environmental impacts, not only from the point of view of the systems but also of the best technological solutions of the envelope to prepare technical documents functional to the redevelopment project (for example Drafting of the report pursuant to Law 10/91). Monographic lessons deepen the individual topics, functional to the laboratory project activity.

The analysis of constructive elements progressively more complex in them are also commented through the exposition of exemplary cases of application to the building scale. The project is analyzed and modified to meet the regulatory requirements regarding the containment of energy consumption and environmental sustainability, as well as plant safety and functionality, with attention to the use of both active and passive plant systems, in the presence of environmentally friendly materials or certificates (EPD) for the construction of the building envelope in accordance with the law and to ensure a high standard of living. The calculation procedures allowed for the preparation An Energy Eerformance Certification are also illustrated, to allow the student to simulate a verification of the global energy behavior of a building, up to the preparation of an energy performance certificate, possibly through the use of C.T.I.
In addition, the technological construction details of the building will be developed to ensure the best feasibility of the project and its energy containment and sustainability

Full programme

The class is divided into lectures (1/3), laboratory activities (1/3), through direct experiences on site or guided tours (1/3). The lerning modules for the theoretical part will be dedicated to the different materials and technologies / building components, to their different performances, and for each section numerous application examples on existing cases will be presented: performance for building components, performance of use and well-being, performance of safety and harmlessness, performance of integrability and appearance, performance of maintenance and management, performance of duration. The building system will be presented and evaluated trough: environmental system and technological system, environmental units and technological units. Main recovery solutions, from traditional to innovative solutions. Evaluation of the overall energy performance of the building, through hints of national energy legislation and the regional laws about energy consumption reduction strategies.
Innovative, new generation materials, nanotechnology and environmental effects (LCA approach and environmental product certifications) will be considered.


Bibliografia essenziale:
-Chiostri, Furiozzi, Pilati, Sestini, Tecnologia dell’architettura, Firenze, Alinea, 2002.
-Caleca L., Architettura tecnica, Palermo, Flaccovio, 2000.
-Bandelloni E., Elementi di architettura Tecnica, CLUP, Padova, 1998.

Bibliografia specifica:
Savoia P., Impianti termici negli edifici residenziali ad elevate prestazioni energetiche, Maggioli editore, 2020
D’Olimpio D., Il retrofitting energetico e bioclimatico nella riqualificazione edilizia. Tecnologie e soluzioni tecniche per il miglioramento della prestazione energetico-ambientale degli edifice, Legislazione Tecnica, 2017
Lanzarone F., Recupero Edilizio e Riqualificazione Energetica degli Edifici —
Interventi per la manutenzione e sostenibilità, Flaccovio, Palermo, 2018
Ciciriello S., APE. Manuale operativo per l'attestato di prestazione energetica, Maggioli, Sant’Arcangelo, 2017
Lo Bianco E.V.M., Edifici nZEB e BIM. Progettazione nel rispetto dei criteri ambientali minimi e digitalizzazione nel settore delle costruzioni, Grafill, Palermo, 2020.

Teaching methods

The teaching methods are divided into lectures and some seminars with external actors, with specific focus on building technologies, building materials, and case studies’ evaluations. The lessons will include laboratory activities where students will work individually or in teams for the preparation of a retrofit project and if possible, some on site visits. The practical activity of the laboratory involves the projects preparations and the presentation and analysis of real case studies, through surveys, graphic and technical drawings and numerical and three-dimensional data of the case -study.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam involves the presentation of an assigned case study project (new construction or redevelopment), which will include the critical analysis of the performance needs of the building envelope, of the plant component and the drafting of a construction node.
The exam is completed with an oral test on the topics covered in class.

Other information

The complete bibliography and the detailed program of the course will be made available in the first days of lessons.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

During the course the various issues addressed will be treated and analyzed with respect to the UN 2030 objectives with respect to points 7,11,13


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:

E. office
E. manager 


President of the degree course

Prof. Andrea Maranzoni

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Elena Michelini

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Alessandro Valletta

Tutor professor

Prof. Andrea Maranzoni

Prof.ssa Elena Romeo

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Patrizia Bernardi
Prof.ssa Elena Romeo

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Elena Romeo


Prof.Alessandro Valletta

Tutor students

Riccardo Monticelli