cod. 1011023

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Alberto GRANDI
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able
--‐ know and understand the basic information to reconstruct the general frameworks of the history of food on the European continent, from the Neolithic revolution to the twentieth century;
--‐ use conceptual tools (interpretative, contextualization and periodization) suitable for understanding the historical processes related to nutrition;
--‐ analyze independently what has been learned and communicate it, in written language, using a vocabulary that is appropriate to the topics covered.


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Course unit content

The course aims to analyze the evolution of production, consumption, trade and ways of transforming food in different historical periods. The discussion focuses on the history of the so-called Global West.
From the point of view of the succession of topics, the choice of starting from the understanding of the present to proceed with a more traditional historical examination, serves to understand the historical data and the periodizations in a precise thematic framework, useful to restore value to the understanding of the food scene. Contemporary.

Full programme

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Mandatory books:
Massimo Montanari, La fame e l’abbondanza. Storia dell’alimentazione in Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997;
Alberto Grandi, Storia delle nostre paure alimentari, Sanseplocro, Aboca, 2023
Two texts to be chosen from the following:
Luca Cesari, Storia della pizza, Milano, il Saggiatore 2023;
Alberto Grandi, Denominazione di origine inventata, Milano, Mondadori, 2020;
Alberto Grandi, L’incredibile storia della neve e della sua scomparsa, Sansepolcro, Aboca, 2022;

Teaching methods

The course will take place through lectures supported by the use of multimedia materials (presentations, images, videos, tables, graphs, documents), but requires constant attention to active intervention practices by students, encouraged to analyze and discussion around the proposed documents, according to the methodological criteria illustrated during the lessons. The slides used to support the lessons will be uploaded to the Elly platform. The slides are not educational material for exam preparation, but they can be a guide for studying.

Assessment methods and criteria

Attending students can take the exam in two parts, carrying out two written tests; one at the end of the first part and one at the end of the entire course. The two tests will consist of two open questions.
The answers will be evaluated in the light of the ability to express independent judgment, critical learning ability and to make transversal connections between different topics.
The ability to communicate will be assessed by verifying the adequacy and effectiveness of the language used; the propensity to clarify the meaning of the terms and concepts used will also be ascertained.
Non-attending students must take the written exam in a single test consisting of three questions on the entire program.

Other information

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