Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques with the basic historical and cultural notions for understanding the professional role they are about to exercise (introductory module).
This course will therefore include an initial part consisting of a brief historical and regulatory excursus of medicine aimed at understanding the role of the laboratory within the healthcare environment. This will be followed by a part concerning the role of the pre-analytical phase for error control (Pre-analytical Semeiotics I) and the learning of some basic analytical principles such as: colorimetry, photometry and spectrophotometry (Semeiotics II) and control methodologies (internal and external quality control) and principles of instrumental calibration.
Course unit content
The course aims to provide students in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques with the basic knowledge necessary to understand the main analytical methods used in general pathology laboratories, starting with some necessary historical and cultural notions that are fundamental for understanding the professional role they are about to exercise (introductory module).
The course therefore proposes a brief historical and regulatory excursus of medicine aimed at understanding the role of the laboratory within the healthcare environment, followed by the role of the pre-pre-analytical phase (Pre-analytical Semeiotics I) and the learning of instrumental analytical methodology such as: colorimetry, photometry and spectrophotometry. (Semeiotics II).
Finally, we will address the methodologies in use in analytical laboratories for quality control and instrumental calibration.
Full programme
Brief historical overview of medicine, in particular laboratory medicine
- Reference legislation for the development and definition of the functions and responsibilities of the health professions in Italy, with reference to the code of ethics and the specific professional profile).
- Pre-analytical Semeiotics I and the causes of pre-analytical error.
- Semeiotics II: Analytical variability, instrumental analytical methodologies relating to principles of colorimetry, photometry and spectrophotometry).
- Quality control (internal and external)
- The instrumental calibration of quantitative and qualitative methods
Marcello Ciaccio, Giuseppe Lippi 'Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine ed. Edises
Luigi Spandrio "Principles and techniques of clinical chemistry" Piccin-Nuova Libraria edition
Widman "Clinical interpretation of laboratory tests" Italian edition Giancarlo Gazzola, Renata Franchi-Gazzola, Valeria dall'Asta, Ovidio Bussolati and Roberto Sala.
A. Cuneo, A. Rigolin 'Trattato italiano di medicina di laboratorio' Piccin Editore
Teaching methods
The teaching methodology used is participative and involves classroom discussion on the various topics covered through lectures in order to foster the student's ability to reflect. The training methods will be carried out in compliance with safety regulations, unless otherwise specified.
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination will be conducted in the form of an interview aimed at verifying the student's ability to reflect and reason, while noting the level of knowledge and acquisition of the concepts expressed during the lessons.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact Le Eli-che in advance: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le-eli-che-supporto-studenti-con-disabilita-dsa-bes)
Other information
Class attendance is compulsory (see course regulations)