Assistance and agreements for international mobility
The service deals with the definition of agreements with universities in other countries for the international mobility of students, in particular for training periods abroad, but also, for example, for the awarding of joint or double degrees, appropriate for the achievement of the expected learning outcomes, as well as the organisation and management of the international mobility of outgoing students and of the reception of incoming students from abroad.
In recent years the University of Parma has undertaken important work aimed at increasing the number of courses with double or joint degrees, with a view to increasing and promoting international mobility. In this sense, the development policies of the course catalogue have taken into specific consideration the relationship between the international development of the course catalogue itself, its sustainability and adequacy, and the territorial dimension and relations with other universities. It is precisely the international dimension of the course catalogue that is aimed not only at increasing the number of deserving international students, by diversifying their geographical origin, but also at increasing the number of graduates who have had training experience abroad, thus strengthening the international dimension of the training contexts, also through the teaching of foreign experts and the development of the students' language skills.
The University of Parma is part of an exchange network of professors/instructors and students that, through numerous agreements at EU and non-EU level, allows for study periods abroad and/or internship activities, enabling students to undertake training experiences abroad, both didactic and work-related, as part of mobility programmes, thus creating opportunities for international careers for its students and favourable environments for the development of research activities, through the funding of projects by local researchers and the attraction of scholars from all over the world.
Over the years, the numerous academic contacts that have developed have allowed for the creation of a network of international collaborations that today sees the presence of partnerships with Universities and Research Organisations from all over the world, resulting in the recognition of the University of Parma on the international academic scene.
The intense activity aimed at improving internationalisation has resulted in an increase in language training opportunities, the consolidation of exchange activities within the Erasmus+ Programme, the expansion of exchange opportunities within the OVERWORLD University Programme, in the implementation of double-degree programmes with structured mobility, in the TeachinParma project co-financed by the CariParma Foundation for the support of Visiting Professors working within the Doctoral Schools, in the recruitment of Visiting Professors for teaching activities in first- and second-level degree courses.
In order to coordinate central and departmental activities, International Mobility Committees were set up in each department in 2017. Internationalisation initiatives are accessible from the 'INTERNATIONAL' menu item on the University's homepage.
In this favourable context, the degree course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques aims to broaden the training prospects of its students by offering a period of study in Europe aimed at acquiring knowledge and experience of an increasingly globalised and diversified working context.
Therefore, among the universities that have an agreement with the University of Parma, the University of Leuven (Belgium) has been identified as a suitable location for a period of study and training abroad.
The overlapping degree course is in 'Biomedical Laboratory Technology' (Health Sector), based in Leuven. The exchange programme ( lasts for one semester and the choice consists of several biomedical traineeship courses, including the possibility of thesis work.
Students on the degree course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, preferably enrolled in the I/II year of attendance, may embark on this training programme. The chosen training activity is currently: International clinical traineeship in Biomedical Laboratory Technology, corresponding to 30 ECTS credits. On the basis of the Learning Agreement document and upon passing the final examination at the Belgian University, the student will be awarded credits for the Internship, Professional Laboratory, Student's Choice Activities and Integrated Course Modules responding to the treatment of specific diagnostic and investigative techniques.
Students undertaking training abroad will be exempt from attending classes at their home university; upon returning they will be able to take the equivalent exams for non-attending students.