Thesis/Final examination

In order to be admitted to the final examination, the student must have successfully passed all the examinations envisaged by the degree programme, which, including those relating to internship activities, amount to 174 ECTS credits.; 6 ECTS credits are attributed to the final examination, for a total of 180 ECTS credits.
The final exam has the value of a State Exam qualifying successful candidates for professional practice (D. Lgs. 502/1992, Art. 6(3)). There is one exam but it consists of two stages:
a) a practical test during which the student must demonstrate that he/she has acquired the theoretical-practical and technical-operational knowledge and skills typical of the specific professional profile;
b) drafting and presentation of a thesis (see Ministerial Decree of 19 February 2009, Article 7).
Based on the MIUR protocol DGPROF 0002445-P-20/01/2012, the two parts of the final examination (practical test and thesis) must be assessed equally, with both contributing to the final examination grade.
Practical test. In the practical test, the student must demonstrate that he/she has acquired the theoretical-practical and technical-operational knowledge and skills pertaining to the specific professional profile. It consists of the practical performance of a basic laboratory method, drawn from a list of activities agreed between the DADP and the coordinators of the various training sites. Successful completion of the final practical test qualifies the holder to work as a Biomedical Laboratory Technician. In the event of an insufficient mark in the practical test, the examination is interrupted, deemed not to have been passed and the candidate may not proceed to present their thesis or receive the degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques. The final test must be repeated in its entirety at a subsequent session.
Drafting and presentation of a thesis. The thesis, which may be experimental or compilative in nature, is written by the student under the guidance of the supervisor, a professor on the Biomedical Laboratory Techniques degree course. For each thesis, the Course President identifies a co-supervisor from among the faculty members of the degree course or the University, who critically assesses the content and, in the graduation session, formulates questions to the graduating student. It is possible for the student to write the paper in English.
Degree Examination Committee. The dissertation is presented to a Degree Examination Committee, chaired by the Course President, and composed of between 7 and 11 members, the majority of whom must be tenured professors. The Committee is appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the Course President; it comprises at least two members designated by the professional associations recognised as most representative at national level. MIUR and the Ministry of Health may appoint their own representatives (in addition to the Committee) to supervise the proceedings of the final examination.
Awarding the final grade. The final degree mark is out of 110 and is calculated based on the curricular average of the marks obtained in the course unit examinations (out of 110 and rounded to the nearest whole number) to which is added the mark awarded by the Degree Examination Committee for the final exam, understood as the result of the practical test and the thesis. These contribute equally to the determination of the final mark (through the average of the marks out of 30 for the two tests, translated into a specific mark according to the table below). Students require a degree grade of at least 66/110 to pass the degree examination. Honours may be awarded by unanimous decision of the Degree Examination Committee to a candidate who achieves a final mark of more than 110/110. The Committee may also unanimously propose that the thesis be printed and/or awarded honourable mention.


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