cod. 02617

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Federica Maria Angela RIZZI
Academic discipline
Biologia molecolare (BIO/11)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: MOLECULAR AND APPLIED BIOLOGY

Learning objectives

To know, understand and be able to discuss the main molecular aspects underlying the transmission of genetic information and the regulation of gene expression.


Baisis of chemistry, organic chemistry and cell biology.

Course unit content

The course provides basic knowledge on the molecular aspects of the transmission of genetic information. The course initially introduces the basics of the concept of inheritance, and then introduces nucleic acids as molecules able to ensure the transmission of the genetic information through DNA replication, RNA transcription and proteins translation. Finally the course will provide the basis for the knowledge of the main techniques used for DNA/RNA manipulation, and their application in various fields of research, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases.

Full programme

Molecular basis of genetic information. Composition and structure of nucleic acids. Chromatine, chromosomes and genes. DNA replication, DNA damage and mutation, DNA repair. Types of RNA involved in protein synthesis: structures and functions. RNA transcription: enzymatic machinery and processes. Post transcriptional maturation of the eukaryotic mRNA. Genetic code and its properties. Protein synthesis: enzymatic machinery and processes. Molecular biology techniques: DNA isolation, DNA gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, PCR reaction.


"Fondamenti di biologia molecolare"
di Lizabeth A. Allison
Editore: Zanichelli
“Biologia Molecolare” di G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna. Editore: Edises

Teaching methods

The course will be held on-site and will make use of powerpoint presentation, cartoon animation and video aimed at supporting the that the comprehension of molecular interaction underlying the processes of replication, transcription and translation. During the lectures, students will be solicited to intervene constructively and interactively. The material presented during the lecture will be made available to students on the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment for grading will take into account the degree of knowledge of the topics and the skill and the fluency of the student to expose and discuss them, in addition to the student's ability to logically think, and to adopt the proper scientific language. Students with DSA/BSE should contact the office for disability and inclusion in advance.

Other information

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