cod. 1004701

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia umana (BIO/16)
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1st LEARNING ENPOINT: Knowledge and understanding skills.
The course is designed to give the students the methods for studying the locomotor system and motor control systems, the fundamentals of anthropometry, and the principles of posture.
2nd LEARNING ENPOINT: Applied knowledge and understanding skills.
The student is expected to be able to describe the basic concepts of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and motor control systems, the fundamentals of anthropometry, and the principles of posture are applied to motor science.
3rd LEARNING ENPOINT: Autonomy of judgment.
The student is expected to be able to develop an anatomical-based thinking and to possess autonomous judgement.
4th LEARNING ENPOINT: communication skills.
The student is expected to master an anatomical language.
The student is expected to be able to read a simple scientific text on an anatomical topic.


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Course unit content

Musculoskeletal system:
Classification of bones, joints and muscles. The biomechanical model of muscle. Contractile unit (sarcomere), motor unit concept.
Axial and Appendicular components of the skeletal system:
Axial components: Bones of the skull, spine, thoracic cage.
Appendicular Component: Pectoral Girdle and upper limb; pelvis and lower limb.
Nervous System:
The Central and Peripheral Nervous System, spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum, diencephalon, and telencephalon. The sensitive and motor pathways. Neuromuscular spindles. Proprioception. The anatomical basis of reflexes.
Anthropometry: Anthropometry applied to physical activities and sports: Anthropometric measures and BMI in adults and in children, reference values, the body composition (fat mass and fat free mass); anthropometric techniques.
Posture and balance.

Full programme

Musculoskeletal system:
Classification of bones, joints, and muscles. The biomechanical model of muscle. Contractile unit (sarcomere), motor unit concept.
Axial and Appendicular components of the skeletal system:
Axial components: Bones of the skull, temporo-mandibular joint, muscles of the head and neck, spine, anatomy of vertebrae, intervertebral Joints, muscles of the spine, thoracic cag, ribs and costal cartilages, sternum; costo-vertebral Joints, respiratory muscles.
Appendicular Component:
• Pectoral Girdle: clavicle; scapula; sterno-clavicular articulation; shoulder girdle muscles and their innervation.
• Upper limb: homerous, joints of the shoulder, muscles that move the arm, radio and ulna, elbow joints, bones of the hand, wrist and hand joints and the muscles that move the forearm and the hand. The brachial plexus.
• Pelvis: hip; joints of the pelvis, muscles of the pelvic floor.
• Lower limb: femur, coxo-femoral joint, thigh muscles, tibia and fibula, the knee, foot bones, leg muscles, muscles of the foot. The lumbo-sacral plexus.
Nervous System:
The Central and Peripheral Nervous system. Spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum, diencephalon, telencephalon. The sensitive and motor pathways. Neuromuscular spindles. Proprioception. The anatomical basis of reflexes.
Anthropometry: Anthropometry applied to physical activities and sports: Anthropometric measures and BMI in adults and in children, reference values, the body composition (fat mass and fat free mass); anthropometric techniques.
Posture and balance.


Anatomia Umana e movimento. Soames-Palastanga, ed. EDRA

Teaching methods

Interactive class lectures. Atlas and anatomical models will be also available. The slides used to support the lectures will be uploaded weekly to the Elly platform ( To download the slides you will need to be enrolled in the Course: 3019 - SCIENZE MOTORIE, SPORT E SALUTE.

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the above-described learning objective will be verified by an oral exam. Communicative skills will be assessed too. The result will be announced immediately after.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact the University's Reception and Inclusion Centre (CAI) in advance and follow the CAI's instructions for any requests for personalised examinations (

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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