Learning objectives
The course of Urban Sustainable Planning aims to provide students with advanced knowledges in the analysis and evaluation of urban
and land settlements, to make them able to address the reading, interpretation and proposal of the instruments of urban sustainable planning.
With this aim, the course offers students an overview about the historical evolution of the city, its morphological factors, the system of centralities, the
planning instruments of national and regional issues, the problems and the critical factors that affect the decisions in urban planning.
The course will address these issues in lectures, seminaries and group work, through which students can gain an understanding of issues related to knowledge, planning and design of urban sustainable settlement.
See the corresponding entry of the Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio.
Course unit content
Summary of urban and regional planning principles. Definitions and references to the main legal provisions.
Introductory notions on the relationship between urban planning and environmental, economic and social sustainability.
Introduction to the concept of sustainable development. The environmental issue and planning tools.
Evolution of the concept of environmental sustainability and its relations with urban and regional planning.
The assessment of environmental sustainability in urban planning.
The sustainable city. Indicators for the analysis and evaluation of urban sustainability. Exemplary cases.
The phenomenon of land consumption and its extent.
Territorial networks and sustainable mobility. Relations with urban and regional planning.
Introduction to urban regeneration themes.
Introduction to climate change adaptation techniques in urban and regional areas.
Criteria for the setting up of a development plan for urban regeneration.
Operational tools for the verification of the urban feasibility of a development plan for urban regeneration.
Main texts:
Gabellini P., Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma, 2001.
Musco. F., Rigenerazione urbana e sostenibilità, F. Angeli, 2016.
Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, CittàStudi Edizioni, Milano 2017.
Mercandino A., Urbanistica Tecnica. Manuale per le indagini, le proiezioni, la diagnosi e il progetto, Ed. Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2001.
Recommended readings:
Campos Venuti G. e Oliva F., Cinquant'anni di urbanistica in Italia: 1942-1992, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1993.
Indovina F., La metropoli europea. Una prospettiva, F. Angeli Editore, Milano, 2014.
Morbelli G., Un’introduzione all'urbanistica, F. Angeli, Milano, 1986.
Palermo P.C., Interpretazioni dell’analisi urbanistica, F. Angeli, Milano, 1992.
Roncayolo M., La città. Storia e problemi della dimensione urbana, Einaudi, Torino, 1988.
Secchi B., La città del ventesimo secolo, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005.
Zucconi G., La città contesa: dagli ingegneri sanitari agli urbanisti (1885-1942), Jaca Book, Milano, 1989.
Topics covered by the course will be made explicit through educational materials in the form of further bibliographical and of slides and notes available in the web page of the course in the Elly platform (http://elly.dia.unipr.it).
Teaching methods
See the corresponding entry of the Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio.
Assessment methods and criteria
See the corresponding entry of the Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio.
Other information
See the corresponding entry of the Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio.