cod. 1008314

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Roberto MAZZI
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
"rappresentazione dell'architettura e dell'ambiente"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand
The course aims to provide knowledge of the tools and procedures for the graphic representation of the executive project using BIM software. An adequate use of the parametric architectural elements proposed by these modellers makes it possible, in addition to three-dimensional models from which to derive the usual axonometric, perspective and sectional views, to realize some elaborates useful for the purposes of project management, such as the lists of construction elements to the purposes of calculating materials and cost estimates.

The BIM software is an innovative method that expands the design skills, allowing the creation of efficient models of buildings, useful for managing and developing all the phases that characterize the project: from the phases of conception to the development of the various levels of depth.
The use of a tool such as BIM makes it possible to move from concept to development, to representation, up to the construction site of the project without having to implement a reductive simplification process in the execution phase.

Autonomy of judgment
Upon passing the exam the student must have developed the ability to critically evaluate which tools, techniques and codes of the representation are the most suitable in the graphic rendering of the executive architecture project, carried out starting from a BIM modeler.

Communication skills
Students will develop the ability to describe and communicate at various scales the place, the architectural space and their components, through the application of the knowledge of representation techniques inherent to the new advanced digital instrumentation of drawing in BIM environment.

Learning ability
The assigned exercises, expressed in the final papers required, are intended to consolidate the student in the correct use of the representation methods and in the use of the most advanced digital drawing programs in the BIM environment; at the end of the lessons and exercises, the student should have acquired the knowledge and skills of the discipline to face an in-depth study and autonomous application of these aspects.


It is useful to have in-depth knowledge of assisted two-dimensional design (Autocad) and basic knowledge of three-dimensional modeling with generic software.

Course unit content

The course of digital modeling of architecture (4 CFU) explores the potential of some parametric graphic architecture software (BIM), such as AllPlan, ArchiCad and Revit, and analyzes the codes and graphic conventions to be used with these tools in the scope of the representation of the executive project.
In particular, the course aims to train students on the broad and growing panorama of BIM modeling tools, providing the lexicon of this new form of representation and the methods that underlie the integrated design related to it. Furthermore, indications are provided on how the models must be prepared so that there is the possibility of correctly exchanging graphic data and information with other specific applications.
The course includes a series of theoretical lessons useful in putting immediately into practice what is illustrated as a concept and indication.
- creation and organization of a project
- setting of standard levels
- creation of pillars, walls, floors, stairs, roofs, with attribution of materials
- solid modeling and non-parametric 3D design
- processing of two-dimensional graphics (plans, sections and elevations)
- creation of lists
- rendering and saving images

Full programme

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AA.VV., Grande atlante di architettura (13 voll.), Utet, Torino, 2002.
AA.VV., “Norme per il disegno tecnico”, UNI, Milano, 2005.
Marco Canciani, “I disegni di progetto. Costruzioni, tipi e analisi”, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2009
Luca Guerra, L’esecutivo architettonico 1.0 – Gli elaborati progettuali, LGArchitetti ed., 2010.
AA.VV., Autodesk Revit Architecture, Apogeo ed., 2011
Simona Lanzu – Luca Rovero, Il disegno architettonico esecutivo. Linee guida alla redazione degli elaborati grafici, EPC editore, 2012.

Teaching methods

The course will take place in the classroom through lectures during which the general problems related to the representation of architecture will be discussed, through the presentation of presentations and through accurate revisions of the papers.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course, an intermediate test is scheduled, on a date to be defined, with the presentation of a BIM model created with BIM software of your choice on the architecture agreed with the student at the beginning of the year.
The final verification of the learning of the topics covered in the course consists in the discussion of the topics covered during the lessons and in the evaluation of the final graphic works produced by the student.
The student will also have to demonstrate, through the examination interview, to have learned at a general level the concepts of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and to be able to correctly model an architectural building on a definitive level with the BIM platforms used in the course.
The evaluation of the graphics will be expressed in relation to the completeness, clarity and originality of the contents.
Drafting of the documents 50% divided as follows
Explanation of theoretical aspects (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Independent choice of representation methods
(autonomy of judgment)
Oral verification 50% so divided
Theoretical questions (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Exposure property (communication skills)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This teaching contributes to the realisation of the UN goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: 4, 9, 11