cod. 1005886

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
* scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives


1. The student must be able to recognize , describe , apply :

- Paradigms and purposes of scientific knowledge

- What is discipline and what characterizes and constitutes the foundation
- The paradigm of knowledge,
- The meaning of PHENOMENON , CONCEPT , Theory , and in particular must know the properties of the fundamental concepts and theories of metaparadigma of : PERSON , ENVIRONMENT , HEALTH , MEDICAL .

- The fundamental concepts of the theories of care, in reference to the paradigms of totality ( scientific - ethics) and simultaneity ( socio- humanistic - emic ) .
- The main theories of assistance : F. Nightingale , H. Peplau , V. Henderson , D. Orem, M Leininger , J. Watson , ME Rogers , P. Banner , N.Roper and L.J.Carpenito

- Critical thinking skillfulness and intellectual activities
- Critical thinking and the nursing process , defining it in its early stages and sub-stages :

2. The student should be able to develop the 'critical analysis with respect to the process of development of the profession and assistance in relation to the socio-political-economic in different historical periods in Italy, Europe, USA


The student should be able to apply:

1) Application Process for assisting in the daily operations through the analysis of cases.
- The documentation as an operational tool and as a teaching tool: the differences. The analysis of a clinical case.

- The American NANDA classification system
- LJ Carpenito (classification of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems according to bifocal)

- The classification of the objectives / results (NOC),

- The classification of priority interventions (NIC)

-The student must be able to process simulation in a complex care plan
The student must be able to perform an evaluation of the quality of care through nursing outcames: sensitive outcomes of nursing care


no prerequisite

Course unit content

The 'Nursing as a Scientific Discipline.
- Definition of Discipline. What characterizes a discipline
- Difference theory vs practice
- The paradigms of knowledge
- The metaparadigma of and concepts that constitute it: PERSON, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, MEDICAL

- General characteristics of nursing theories and their paradigms
- The major nursing theories: F. Nightingale, H. Peplau, V. Henderson, D. Orem, M Leininger, J. Watson, ME Rogers, P. Banner
- The theory of N.Roper: metapadigma and conceptual structure.
- The theory of LJ Carpenito: metaparadigma and conceptual structure.

SYNTAX STRUCTURE: Problem Solving as a conceptual basis of the process of care. Critical thinking
- Verification
Collection, methods, organization and recording of data

- Diagnostic Reasoning
The nursing diagnosis
The diagnostic reasoning
The language diagnostic

- Planning
Scheduling results (NOC)
Planning interventions (NIC)

- Implementation / management
Action: Make or delegate
Critical thinking in the management / implementation

- Rating
The assessment in the care process

CLASSIFICATION: the nursing diagnoses, the results (NOC), the interventions (NIC)
- The American NANDA classification system
- The classification of the objectives / results (NOC),
- The classification of priority interventions (NIC)
- LJ Carpenito (classification of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems according to the model bifocal)
Nursing outcames: sensitive outcomes of nursing care:
• The life activities
• The self care
• The management of symptoms
• Pain as outcame
• The adverse patient outcomes
• The psychological suffering
• Patient satisfaction
• The mortality rate as sensible outcome
• The use of health services

Skills in the learning process, teaching and assessment:
 The Dublin descriptors
 The general skills and transferable skills
 The specific skills of a specific subject area
 Skills provided in the Directive 2013/55 / EC
 The evolution model of the proposed expertise from colleges Federation IPASVI, Italy
 The Nursing competence scales (NCS)
• Basic concepts of nursing and midwifery
• Development of nursing and midwifery in different historical periods.
• History of 'care of the sick and the nursing and midwifery, from antiquity to the present day in Italy, Europe, USA

Full programme

The infermierisitca as Scientific Discipline.
- Definition of Discipline. What characterizes a discipline
- Difference theory vs. practice
- The paradigms of knowledge
- The metaparadigma of and concepts that constitute it: PERSON, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH CARE.
- General characteristics of nursing theories and their paradigms
- The main nursing theories: F. Nightingale, H. Peplau, V. Henderson, D. Orem, Leininger M, J. Watson, ME Rogers, P. Banner
- The theory of N.Roper: metapadigma and conceptual structure.
- The theory of LJ Carpenito: metaparadigma and conceptual structure.

STRUCTURE SYNTACTIC: Problem Solving as the conceptual basis of the
Process Dealership
Critical thinking
- Assessment
- Collecting, methods, organization and recording of data
- Diagnostic Reasoning
- The nursing diagnosis
- The diagnostic reasoning - The diagnostic language
- Planning
- Planning Result (NOC)
- Planning of interventions (NIC)
- Implementation / Management
- Action: do or delegate
- Critical thinking in the management / implementation
- Record Keeping
- Rating
- The assessment in the care process

CLASSIFICATION: nursing diagnosis, results (NOC), interventions (NIC)
- The American system of classification NANDA
- Classification of the objectives / results (NOC),
- The classification of priority interventions (NIC)
- LJ: Carpenito (classification according to the bifocal model: functional models of health-collaborative problems)
Nursing outcames: sensitive outcomes of nursing care:
• The life activities
• The self care
• The management of symptoms
• Pain as outcame
• The adverse patient outcomes
• The psychological suffering
• Patient satisfaction
• The mortality rate as sensible outcome
• The use of health services

Skills in the learning process, teaching and assessment:
 The Dublin descriptors
 The general skills and transferable skills
 The specific skills of a specific subject area
 Skills provided in the Directive 2013/55 / EC
 The evolution model of the proposed expertise from colleges Federation IPASVI, Italy
 The Nursing competence scales (NCS)
• Basic concepts of nursing and midwifery
• Development of nursing and midwifery in different historical periods.
• History of the 'care of the sick and of nursing and midwifery, from antiquity to the present in: Italy, Europe, USA


"Book of Basic Nursing " Agnelli , Canossa et al . Ed Neptune.
"Elements of nursing" Roper , Logan and Tierney . Ed Il Pensiero Scientifico.
" The nursing : history, theory and methods" C.Calamandrei , Ed NIS
" Nursing Care Plans and Documentation " of LJCarpenito Ed Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
" Nursing diagnosis , application in clinical practice " LJ Carpenito , Ed Ambrosiana
" Nursing Models and Theories " Ruby L. Wesley Publishing Summa Padua
" The theory of nursing" M.R. Alligolod , A.M.Tomey , Ed McGraw Hill
" nursing process and critical thinking " by Judith M.Wilkinson , 3 edition Ed Ambrosiana 2013
" Nursing Diagnosis , " 2012-2014 NANDA International , Ed Ambrosiana
"Classification NOC Mooread , Johnson, Mass , ed. Ambrosiana , 2013
" NIC classification of nursing interventions " GMBulechek , Butcher, Dochterman , Wagner , ed. Ambrosiana , 2013
" Theoretical nursing development and progress of philosophy and theory of nursing " AI Melis , ed. Ambrosiana 2013
" Proceedings of the 1st National Congress of the history of nursing in Italy . National Federation of Colleges IPASVI . Reggio Emilia June 11, 1993 . Curator, Bertoletti "
" Donahue MP " Nursing Illustrated History of nursing . "Ed Delfino , Rome 1991.
A. Rivers " lnfermieri and hospital. History of the Nursing profession into 800-900
" Verona : Neptune, 1993. "
Manzoni E. " History and philosophy of nursing " Masson 1996 "
C. Sironi "History of Nursing " NIS 1992 "
.Benci " Legal aspects of nursing " Mc Grow Hill 2011
The Pascucci , C. Tavormina " The nursing profession in Italy : a journey through history and society since 1800 " Mc Grow Hill 2012
G. Artioli " Historical development assistance and nursing education " Quality Area 2000
"Theoretical Nursing, development and progress of philosophy and theory infermeirisitca" A.I Melis, ed. Ambrosiana in 2013
 "Nursing outcames: sensitive outcomes of nursing care" D.M. Doran ed.Mc Grow Hill 2013
EFN  Guidelines for the application of Article 31 for the purposes of recognition of the skills required by Directive 2005/36 / EC as amended by Directive 2013/55 / EC
 Document "EVOLUTION OF NURSING SKILLS" Federation Colleges IPASViI 2015
 "Tuning educational structures in Europe" http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu
 "Proceedings of the 1st National Congress of nursing history
              Italy. National Federation Ipasvi. Reggio Emilia 11 June 1993
Slides of the teacher

Teaching methods

lectures with visual aids
active teaching
self-regulated learning

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification for the achievement of both cognitive abilities regarding materializes:
- Oral examination

Other information

Nothing to report

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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