cod. PC1010808

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: GENERAL NURSING II

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the tools and theoretical concepts for the study of the organization of care processes and for the planning of clinical cases, through a scientific method that is identified in the Nursing process.


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Course unit content

Organization of care processes:
o Priority health problems
o The patient's care path
o Nursing competence
o Diagnostic reasoning and nursing diagnosis.
Planning of clinical-care cases for which students must:
o Describe the pathology: outline of anatomy and physiology, definition, etiology, predisposing factors, signs and symptoms, complications, main diagnostic investigations and treatment
o Identify the patient's priority problems
o Identify the NOCs
o Define short, medium and long-term goals in a realistic way for the patient, consistent with the problem, measurable and timed
o Describe the evaluation and monitoring interventions and the autonomous and collaborative assistance interventions necessary to achieve the set objectives.
The cases taken into consideration are the following: diabetes mellitus, cerebral stroke and heart failure.

Full programme

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• Carpenito L. J., Moyet, "Nursing diagnosis, application to clinical practice", Ambrosiana Publishing House, Milan 2007

• Carpenito L. J. "Nursing care plans and documentation, nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems", Ambrosiana Publishing House, Milan 2006

• NANDA International, "Nursing Diagnosis, Definitions and Classifications 2015-2017", Ambrosiana Publishing House, Milan 2015

• Johnson M., Bulechek G., McCloskey Dochterman J., Maas M., Moorhead S., “Nursing diagnoses, results, interventions. Connections NANDA, NOC, NIC, Ambrosiana Publishing House, Milan 2005

• Sasso L., Gamberoni L., Marmo G., Rocco G., Tibaldi L. "General and clinical nursing for priority health problems", McGraw-Hill Publishing House, Miano 2003

• Italian Statistical Yearbook.

• Health 2020.

• Casati G., "The patient's care path", McGraw-Hill, Milan 2002

• Vanhaecht K, Bollmann m, Bower K, Gallagher C, Gardini A, Guenzo J, Jansen U, Massoud R, Moody K, Sermeus W, Van Zelm R, Whittle C, Yazbeck AM, Zander K, Panella M, Prevalence and Use of Clinical Pathways in 23 Countries - An International Survey by the European Pathway association, Journal of Integrated Care Pathways 2006; 10: 28-34

Teaching methods

Frontal and interactive lessons with the use of audiovisual aids, classroom discussion with students, Problem Based Learning methodology

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral evaluation according to the exam schedule.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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