Learning objectives
acquire relational technical-organizational skills for the person who has to
undergo surgery or instrumental examination.
passing the 1-year internship exam and attendance at the clinical care
laboratories. passing preparatory exams
Course unit content
assistance to the surgical patient, internally and in diagnostic (eg
endoscopy) and territorial clinics
day surgery
Full programme
TITOLO: Valutazione Infermieristica della persona assistita – Approccio
AUTORE: G. Artioli, P. Copelli, C, Foà e R. La Sala
EDITORE: Poletto
R.Craven,C.Hirnle,C.M.Henshaw"Principi fondamentali dell'assistenza
infermieristica"Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
L.J.Carpenito " Diagnosi Infermieristiche,Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Teaching methods
the trainee student is supported by a clinical tutor.
workshops for sharing and discussing clinical cases observed during the
internship and assistance plans
Assessment methods and criteria
The student must present a care plan relating to a clinical case observed
in the internship, arguing the choices and decisions made (critical
thinking) with attention to the collection of nursing data and diagnoses
Other information
attendance at 100% mandatory professional training