cod. 1004701

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia umana (BIO/16)
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of
the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and control of motor
systems, as well as the fundamentals of posture and the principles of
Applying knowledge and understanding
The fundamental knowledge of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal
system and control of motor systems, as well as the fundamentals of
posture and the principles of anthropometry are applied to physical
Making judgements
Students must be able to sustain a discussion with elements of human
anatomy and evaluate a subject's posture
Communication skills
the student must possess sufficient technical language in anatomy and
Learning skills
the student must be able to read a simple scientific text with anatomical


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Course unit content

Muscolo-skeletal System:
Classification of bones, joints and muscles.
Axial and Appendicular components of the skeletal system:
Axial components:
Bones of the skull, Temporo-mandibular joint, muscles of the head and
neck and their innervation.
Spine; Anatomy of vertebrae, intervertebral Joints; muscles of the spine,
thoracic cage; Ribs and costal cartilages; Sternum; costo-vertebral Joints;
respiratory muscles.
Appendicular Component:
Pectoral Girdle: Clavicle; Scapula; sterno-clavicular articulation; shoulder
girdle muscles and their innervation.
Upper limb: homerous; joints of the shoulder; muscles that move the
arm; radio and ulna; bones of the hand; elbow joints; Wrist and hand
joints and the muscles that move the forearm and the hand. The brachial
plexus and its nerves.
Pelvis: hip; Joints of the pelvis; muscles of the pelvic floor.
Leg: Femur; coxo-femoral joint; thigh muscles; Tibia and fibula; The knee;
foot Bones; Leg muscles, muscles of the foot; The lumbo-sacral plexus
and its nerves.
Applications of diagnostic imaging to the muscolo-skeletal system.
Nervous System:
The Central and Peripheral Nervous System: spinal cord, brainstem,
cerebellum; diencephalon; telencephalon. The sensitive and motor
pathways. Neuromuscular spindles. Propioception. The anatomical basis
of reflexes.
Anthropometry: Anthropometry applied to physical activities and sports:
Anthropometric measures and BMI in adults and in children, reference
values, the body composition (fat mass and fat free mass);
anthropometric techniques.
The biomechanical model of muscle. Contractile unit (sarcomere); muscle
shortening velocity, strength, flexibility; muscle spindles; muscle tone
and its applications.
The mono-, bi- and poly-articular muscles; the role of muscle fixation;
external load and internal load.
Muscle contraction: isotonic, isokinetic, isometric, concentric and
Multifactorial aspect of the force.

Full programme

Musculo-skeletal System:
Classification of bones, joints and muscles.
Axial and Appendicular components of the skeletal system:
Axial components:
Bones of the skull, Temporo-mandibular joint, muscles of the head and
neck and their innervation.
Spine; Anatomy of vertebrae, intervertebral Joints; muscles of the spine,
thoracic cage; Ribs and costal cartilages; Sternum; costo-vertebral Joints;
respiratory muscles.
Appendicular Component:
Pectoral Girdle: Clavicle; Scapula; sterno-clavicular articulation; shoulder
girdle muscles and their innervation.
Upper limb: homerous; joints of the shoulder; muscles that move the
arm; radio and ulna; bones of the hand; elbow joints; Wrist and hand
joints and the muscles that move the forearm and the hand. The brachial
plexus and its nerves.
Pelvis: hip; Joints of the pelvis; muscles of the pelvic floor.
Leg: Femur; coxo-femoral joint; thigh muscles; Tibia and fibula; The knee;
foot Bones; Leg muscles, muscles of the foot; The lumbo-sacral plexus and its nerves.
Applications of diagnostic imaging to the muscolo-skeletal system.
Nervous System:
The Central and Peripheral Nervous System: spinal cord, brainstem,
cerebellum; diencephalon; telencephalon. The sensitive and motor
pathways. Neuromuscular spindles. Propioception. The anatomical basis
of reflexes.
Anthropometry: Anthropometry applied to physical activities and sports:
Anthropometric measures and BMI in adults and in children, reference
values, the body composition (fat mass and fat free mass);
anthropometric techniques.
The biomechanical model of muscle. Contractile unit (sarcomere); muscle
shortening velocity, strength, flexibility; muscle spindles; muscle tone
and its applications.
The mono-, bi- and poly-articular muscles; the role of muscle fixation;
external load and internal load.
Muscle contraction: isotonic, isokinetic, isometric, concentric and
Multifactorial aspect of the force.


Anatomia Umana e movimento. Soames-Palastanga, ed. EDRA

Teaching methods

Class interactive lectures, supported by iconographic material. Direct experience on anatomical models.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be
done remotely, as follows: remote oral questions, through the Teams
platform (guide
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for
students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (

Other information

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