cod. 1010627

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica industriale (ING-IND/10)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ENVIRONMENTAL APPLIED PHYSICS

Learning objectives

See the main page of the course (identifier: 1010625)


To successfully follow the teaching course it is necessary to have acquired the basic notions of Technical Physics required as part of the three-year degree course.

Course unit content

See the main page of the course (identifier: 1010625)

Full programme

Recalls on energy balances and heat exchange
Heat flow through a multilayer wall
Steam transport through a multilayer wall (Glaser)
Air temperature and radiant temperature in the rooms
Estimation of energy needs for heating and air conditioning
The Energy Certification of buildings
Design of building envelopes that meet thermal, acoustic and lighting requirements
Brief overview of the heating and air conditioning systems and the technical volumes necessary for them to be foreseen in the architectural design.
The problem of noise produced by systems and devices


Recommended texts:

Carlucci, S. (2013). Thermal Comfort Assessment of Buildings. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

However, for the majority of students, the material made available by the teacher via Internet (Powerpoint slides) should be sufficient.

Teaching methods

Lectures and frontal exercises.
The material presented during the lessons (slides) is made available in advance on the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam with numerical calculation exercises and multiple choice theory questions.
During the written exam, the use of notes is permitted. It is necessary to have a calculator, sheet of paper, pencil or pen.

Oral exam with open theory questions. The use of notes is NOT permitted during the oral exam. It is necessary to have a calculator, sheet of paper, pencil or pen.

In no way and at any time will the use of tablets, PCs, smartphones, and any other IT support be permitted, whether without or equipped with internet, wi-fi, bluetooth connectivity.

Other information

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