cod. 1010632

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course -
Academic discipline
Scienza delle costruzioni (ICAR/08)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
The course aims to revise and deepen the knowledge for a correct understanding of the structural behaviour of a building.
Furthermore the course intends to provide to the students the capability to read, understand and to study autonomously technical textbooks on the subject .

Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of course the student should be able to correctly interpret the structural scheme of a building.
The considered topics are finalized to the development of the final project.

Making judgments:
At the end of course the student should be able to understand the structural scheme of a building and eventually to propose an alternative.

Communication skills:
At the end of course the student should have a proper use of the terminology of the design of structures in the construction field, and will be able to properly use it.


The preparatory exam of Structural Analysis or Structural Engineering is strongly recommended.

Course unit content

Main structural elements in a building.
Structural lay-out of a building.
Structural behaviour of a structure under vertical and horizontal loads.
Some basic concepts on the content of the code on building of structures.

Full programme

1. Structural modeling of a building.
1-D structural elements (beams), 2-D plane (plates) and curved (shells) structural elements, 3-D structural elements.
Foundations and elevation structures, decks.
Masonry, steel and reinforced concrete structures.
Join between structural elements.

Mechanical behavior of different structural elements.

2. Behavior of structures under vertical and horizontal loads.

3. Performances of structures made of masonry, steel and reinforced concrete structures.


- Ghersi A., Lenza P. Teoria degli edifici. vol.3, Liguori Ed., 1988.
- Ghersi A., Lenza P. Edifici antisismici in cemento armato. Flaccovio Dario Ed., 2009.
- Lenza P., Ghersi A., Calderoni B. Edifici in muratura alla luce della nuova normativa sismica. Flaccovio Dario Ed., 2011.
- Torroja, E., “La concezione strutturale. Logica ed intuito nella ideazione delle forme”, CittàStudi Edizioni, 1995. - Salvadori, M., Heller, R., “Le strutture in Architettura”, Etas Libri, 1992.
- Levy, M., Salvadori, M., “Why buildings fall down: how structures fail”, W.W: Norton Eds., 2002.
- C. Bernuzzi. Proporzionamento di strutture in acciaio. Ed. Hoepli
- C.G. Salomon and J.E. Johnson. Steel Structures. Ed. Harper & Row

The teaching material, notes, slides and additional documentation will be available via the portal “Elly DIA”

Teaching methods

The course timetable alternates lessons (where the theoretical fundamentals are explained) and practice exercises (where the assigned structure is designed). During practice exercises, the students should apply the theoretical contents of the course.
All the adopted slides will be weekly uploaded to Elly platform. For the slide download the student needs to register to the online course. The slides must be considered part of the teaching material. The teacher is available for further explanations by appointment via mail.

Assessment methods and criteria

More information about the adopted methodology to check the learning skill acquired by students can be found sheet of LP5 Core Architectural and Urban regeneration Design Studio + Workshop. The examination of the course module of STRUCTURAL MODELING FOR BUILDING DESIGN consists in an oral discussion with the teacher. The oral examinations will deal with: - a technical conversation with the teacher, where the student should demonstrate to be able of affording a structural design problem; - a critical discussion focused on the design presentation of the assigned structure.
The colloquium is evaluated between 0-30.

Other information

Attending to the course is mandatory.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities