cod. 1008315

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
"rappresentazione dell'architettura e dell'ambiente"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand
The aim of the course is the consolidation of the fundamental acquisitions for the correct and complete communication of the constructed object and its components, for the purpose of its exhaustive and articulated representation both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

The skills acquired will concern the ability to identify the tools and techniques best suited for the description and communication of the architectural project.

Autonomy of judgment
Upon passing the exam the student must have developed the ability to critically evaluate which tools and techniques of representation are the most suitable in the graphic rendering of the project of specific characteristics of the architecture.

Communication skills
Students will develop the ability to describe and communicate at various scales the place, the architectural space and their components, through the application of the knowledge of the representation techniques inherent to the new advanced digital instrumentation of drawing.

Learning ability
The assigned exercises, expressed in the required final papers, are intended to consolidate the student in the correct use of the representation methods and in the use of the most advanced computerized design programs; at the end of the lessons and exercises the student should have acquired the knowledge and skills of the discipline to face, in the future, an in-depth study and an autonomous application of these aspects.


It is useful to have in-depth knowledge of assisted two-dimensional design (Autocad) and basic knowledge of three-dimensional modeling with generic software.

Course unit content

The Digital Visualization of
project module (4 CFU) intends to provide theoretical knowledge to represent architecture in its geometric-spatial components and in particular their application in the analysis and graphic communication of architecture and its design context.
Theoretical lessons related to the following topics are foreseen:
- the role of the design: disanima on the diversity of the architectural design and the motivations from which they originate
- the competition table and the author's drawing: the conceptual representation of the idea of ​​architecture
The theme of project communication will also be addressed through renderings, useful representations both for the verification of design choices in the first conceptual phase and for the presentation and communication, to the public and / or private, of the architecture in its final configuration.
The theme will be addressed through the analysis of examples of representations of contemporary architecture, analyzing how the graphic prefiguration tool of the project, even in its more articulated meaning of contextualised three-dimensional visualization, can be used both in the communication of the more properly technical facts, which distribution, geometric definition of shapes and volumes of a structure, both in the transmission of the preceptive qualities of the designed architecture and its inclusion in an existing or imagined context.

Full programme

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AA.VV. (a cura di C. Mezzetti): “Il Disegno dell’architettura italiana nel XX secolo”, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2003
C. Vernizzi: “Il Disegno in Pier Luigi Nervi. Dal dettaglio della materia alla percezione dello spazio”, Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2011.
C. Tedeschi: “Ordine, disordine e caos. Idea, pensiero, forma e rappresentazione nel disegno dell'architettura”. Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2013.

Teaching methods

The program takes place through the identification of the correct way of representing architecture and the urban environment, of its paths and environments and through the representation of its components, meaning the design as a means of documentation and study for the representation of the project architectural and urban context.
In the lectures the role of representation for project management is analyzed, from the conception phase to the implementation phase, implemented through the description of a series of emblematic examples.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of the presentation of the graphic drawings drawn up on the topics of the course and previously agreed with the lecturer, considered as testimonies of the completed training understood as the critical ability to select the most appropriate representation techniques and an oral interview having as subject the topics covered during the lessons.
During the course an intermediate test is scheduled, on a date to be defined, with the presentation of the draft of the competition tables related to the architecture agreed with the student at the beginning of the year.
Drafting of the documents 50% divided as follows
Explanation of theoretical aspects (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Independent choice of representation methods
(autonomy of judgment)
Oral verification 50% so divided
Theoretical questions (knowledge)
Graphic applications (competence)
Exposure property (communication skills)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This teaching contributes to the realisation of the UN goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: 4, 11