Learning objectives
1 - Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student will master components of the water supply and sewerage infrastructures and the main aspects related to their control and management. He will have acquired knowledge of the technical legislation on aqueducts and sewers. He will understand the technical terminology on the subject.
2 - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
Ability to manage and control aqueduct and sewer systems within the Italian regulatory framework
3 - Autonomy of judgment
the student will acquire the ability to outline the real problem to identify the optimal solutions from a technical and economical perspective.
4 - communication skills
the student should acquire sufficient language skills as regards the technical terminology of the subject.
5 - Learning ability
The student should acquire the basic knowledge of the subject to allow him to independently follow the future developments of the discipline.
It is strongly recommended that the student acquired the fundamental notions of the course “Fondamenti di Idraulica”.
Course unit content
The course is divided into two parts: in the first part will be dedicated to the water supply works (aqueducts) for civil use, whereas the second part will be about the urban drainage systems (sewers).
Full programme
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G. BECCIU, A. PAOLETTI: Fondamenti di Costruzioni Idrauliche, UTET, MilanoFiori Assago (MI), 2010.
D.CITRINI,G.NOSEDA: "Idraulica", Ambrosiana Ed. Milano, 1990.
L. DA DEPPO, C. DATEI, V. FIOROTTO, P. SALANDIN: “Acquedotti”, Ed. Cortina, Padova, 2003.
L. DA DEPPO, C. DATEI: “Fognature”, Ed. Cortina, Padova, 2005.
Teaching methods
The course will be organized in a series of lectures and numerical exercises. The lessons will be carried out using Power Point presentations slides. The exercises will be carried out during the tutorial sections.
Assessment methods and criteria
The student preparation will be assessed by a written test which might be followed by an oral interview (at the discretion of the teacher if it is deemed necessary to verify some unclear aspects of the written answers).
The final evaluation consists of the weighted average between the evaluation of the written tests (60%) and the possible oral interview (40%).
In the evaluation of the written tests the different learning components will be weighted as follows: 50% application of the theory to a real case (competence), 25% identification of the most convenient solution procedure (independent judgment), 25% specialized exposure properties (ability communicative). In the evaluation of the oral interview the different learning components will be weighted as follows: 20% application of the theory to a real case (competence), 30% identification of the most convenient solution procedure (independent judgment), 50% specialized exposure properties (ability communicative).
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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