Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the student with:
• the acquisition of a solid training and linguistic competence of the written and spoken Russian language at B1++/ B2 level.
During the course the student learns to:
• broaden knowledge on the functional variety of the Russian language
• to form a communicative competence of the participants in the different spheres of written and oral communication (scientific, professional, publicistic, literary).
• train the ability to find morphological, lexical and syntactic properties of any type of text
• learn the general principles of adapting different types of text
• concretely apply knowledge of the simplification criteria of a text through individualized adaptation models.
Course unit content
The course aims to provide knowledge and analysis tools allowing to understand and describe the structure of a text: in the first part we will deal with the study of textual typologies on the basis of a functional criterion, noting their specific characteristics at the language level (on the morphological level , syntactic and lexical). Particoular attention will be devoted to the pubblicistic and its linguistic and structural characteristics.
Part of the lessons will examine issues related to the adaptation of some text types: through the search for elements of difficulty and the identification of criteria and strategies for simplifying a text, students will prepare concrete and individualized examples of writing according to different typologies of text.
At the end of the course, students will have acquired a level of Russian tanging from B1++ and B2 (RKI).
Afanas’eva N.A., Popova T.I., Palitra stilej, Zlatoust, Spbgu 2015.
Arkad’eva E.V. et al., Kogda ne pomogajut slovari, Flinta Nauka, Moskva, 2013 (parti scelte).
Budil’ceva M.B., Novikova et alii, L.K. Kul’tura russkoj reči (parti scelte), Russkij Jazyk, M. 2013 (parti scelte).
Budiyl’ceva M.B., Novikova et alii, Kontrol'nye testy kursu 'Kul’tura russkoj reči', Russkij Jazyk, M. 2013 (parti scelte).
Ivanova I. S., Karamyševa L. M. et alii, Sintaksis, Zlatoust, Spb. 2009.
Kumbaševa Ju.A., Osnovy stilistiki russkogo jazyka, Russkij Jazyk, M. 2015.
Laskareva E. R., Progulki po russkoj leksike, Zlatoust, Spbu, 2020 (parti scelte).
Laskareva E. R., Čistaja grammatica, Zlatoust, Spb. 2006.
Korotyšev A.V., “Matrica adaptacii“ kak kompleks priemov dlja otbora i adaptacii chudožestvennogo teksta v aspekte RKI, “Mir russkogo slova”, 1 (2014), 79-85.
Solganik G.Ja., T.S. Dronjaeva, Stilistika sovremennogo russkogo jazyka i kul’tura reči, Akademija, Moskva, 2008 (parti scelte).
Pervuchina S.V., Adaptirovannyj tekst: razvitie ponjatija, UZPGU, 1 (2015), 59-63.
Popova O. V., Adaptacija Teksta k novym diskursivnym uslovijam, “Omskij Naučnyj Vestnik”, 3 (98), 2011, 111-113.
Teaching methods
The activities will take place in presence. During the lessons, mainly frontal moments will alternate with moments of interaction with the student. To promote active participation in the course, various individual and small group activities will be proposed, through the use of the resources available online, on Elly or Teams. In order to facilitate the learning process of all students, the teaching material will include the video recording of the lessons or other equivalent audio-video material. This material, wiil bedeposited on the Elly platform. Non-attending students (especially Russian-speaking students) are asked to contact the teacher.
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning assessment is based on;
test of written skills (preparatory to the oral) which includes:
- grammar test (dictionary not allowed)
- audio test
- essay: production test (summary and composition)
Assessment of oral competence:
provides a practical activity consisting in preparing and composing texts of various types and also a small text adapted by the student according to what has been elaborated, in order to verify the practical application of what is presented in the course, as well as the analysis and the elaboration on material and topics treated during the lessons, as scheduled. For the oral assessment, the teacher can use both the material used during the course and the one prepared by the student.
The assessment of insufficiency is determined by the lack of knowledge of the minimum course contents, by the inability to express themselves in a Russian corresponding to level B2. A sufficient evaluation (18-23 / 30) is determined by the student demonstrating that he has learned the minimum and fundamental contents of the course; from the ability to express themselves in Russian appropriate to the topic with B2 level characteristics, from independent preparation, from the ability to solve problems related to finding information and decoding complex texts, as well as formulating independent judgments. The average scores (24-27 / 30) are assigned to the student who demonstrates that he / she possesses a more than sufficient (24-25 / 30) or good (26-27 / 30) level of the evaluation indicators listed above. The highest scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are assigned based on the demonstration of an excellent to excellent level of the evaluation indicators listed above.
If, due to the persistence of the health emergency, it is necessary to integrate the conduct of the exams with the remote modality, proceed as follows:
• Written test online): structured as above;
• Oral test (online), on the course program and on materials shared by the teacher.