Career prospects

Our graduates will develop advanced competences in four key-areas: foreign languages, Educational Linguistics, multimedia accessibility and Cultural Studies. These competences make up an original and innovative professional profile which responds to the needs of the current labour market in several areas.

In particular, they may find employment in sectors undergoing deep changes such as those concerning the inclusion of people with special needs in the field of education and the adoption of non-traditional teaching methodologies and environments, as well as in the field of text accessibility in traditional and digital publishing companies.

Graduates will also develop a profile suitable for employment in international agencies, NGO’s and other entities which require skills as described above.

Possible professional profiles include:

  • Experts in inclusive language education.
  • Teachers in the areas of language and literature.
  • Experts in text and multimedia accessibility.
  • Language experts and editors for traditional and digital publishing houses.
  • Linguists and philologists.