cod. 1009609

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - Second semester
Lanfranco PIGNOLI
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with all the elements to plan and manage a construction site for the construction of a civil engineering work. In detail, students will acquire the following skills.
- Knowing how to make a metric calculation of a complex job
- Knowing how to create and manage a time schedule
- Knowing how to plan, organize and manage the operational phases of a construction site
-Know the operational phases of the main civil engineering processes
- Knowing how to manage the interferences between the single workings of a construction site
-Know how to organize the safety of a civil engineering site and manage environmental issues



Course unit content

During the course it will be explained how to organize and manage a construction site for the construction of a civil engineering work. The course will include the illustration of a series of real construction sites and the visit to 3/4 construction sites of works of different types

Full programme

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Teaching stuff:
Stuff provided from the Elly website of the Univ. of Parma

Teaching methods

The course will be organized in two interconnected modules:
1) a series of lectures, seminars and site visits that will illustrate to students the main processes of a civil engineering work
2) work in groups (the number of members will be established at the beginning of the course) in which students will analyze a project and define its construction site in every detail.
The course will be completed by a series of reception hours in which students can ask for clarification on the work they will have to carry out: in this phase the skills of self-analysis of the work performed and the ability to create a work team will be stimulated.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam based on the illustration of the work done by the working groups. Students must be able to plan all the work for the realization of the project assigned to them, they must be able to motivate the choices made by them. The evaluation will also take into account the ability to work in a team and the ability to self-evaluate.
The exam will be passed if the student will be able to illustrate with the use of appropriate tables the organization of the construction site relating to the assigned project, in each phase of the work and will be able to explain the planned work with sufficient clarity and detail. The student will receive 30/30 cum laude if it is able to present her work flawlessly and shows perfect integration in the work group.

Other information

Attendance to the course is highly recommended