cod. 1006542

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto commerciale (IUS/04)
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to explain the rules of European IP rights, unfair competition and advertising, with particular attention to the reasons underlying the choices made by the legislator and verifying the extent to which they give rise to an efficient balancing of the interests involved. Where necessary, the guidelines followed by the case law and the solutions adopted at EU level and in other jurisdictions will be considered. b. Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to acquire the basics of IP law and the critical ability to use them to solve real problems with correct methods.
c. Making judgments: students will be able to successfully solve the logical interpretation of commercial law, including the acquisition of an interpretative model suitable for the continuation of the studies.
d. Communication skills: at the end of the course, students will acquire the ability to analyze problems (problem solving skills), the interpersonal skills and the communication skills in an effective way, using an appropriate language to discuss those issues with different stakeholders. e. Learning skills: the course aims to support students learning through a correct approach to the individual study and through the development of classroom exercises and examples.



Course unit content

Trademark law, design law, domain names, indications of origin, unfair competition and advertising

Full programme

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Materials made available by the teacher on the Elly platform

Teaching methods

Lectures on the main topics of the program
Acquiring independent evaluation skills – case studies
Acquiring learning skills – description of topic and critical examination of legislation applied, main guidelines e case law edited on the matter
Acquiring technical language – legal terminology is explained during the course

Assessment methods and criteria

The ability assessment of learning will be done with an oral exam.
The questions concern the whole program lectured: the broad questions are intended to assess the knowledge of the topics and the student's ability to make links between them, the more specific questions cover a wider range of contents and are aimed at testing the knowledge of all the topics covered by the program. b. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding, c. Autonomy of judgment, e. Ability to learn will be determined through the exam, requiring the student to make links between the topics and to solve practical issues. d. Communication skills will be ascertained by evaluating the use of the appropriate juridical terminology and the clarity of the language used.
The exam will be evaluated in 30/30.
The verification of learning may be conducted through a written test with multiple answer questions. The questions will consider the arguments being part of the program, and will be aimed at verifying the degree of learning and the students' capability to apply the knowledge acquired to solve practical issues. The honors will be awarded to those particularly deserving students who, in addition to having complied with the requisites necessary to obtain the full evaluation, have overall demonstrated an appreciable systematic knowledge of the topic, a considerable autonomy of judgment, as well as excellent elaboration skills.

Other information

Additional seminars on topics covered in the course may be held according to the availability of external specialists.
See the professor’s webpage for supplementary material.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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