cod. 1003654

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07)
Type of training activity
70 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

a. Knowledge and understanding: The course aims at providing students with basic knowledge of the interpretative models to evaluate, with reference to the different kind of companies, main domestic problems and relations with the environment. It will be presented also the main reasons behind the determination and communication processes of economic and corporate financial results.

b. Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to interpret and apply the most common business analysis models, as well as to deal with studies related to the quantitative determination methodologies oriented to internal information and external business. In addition, the student will be able to build, read and interpret the financial statements. Furthermore will acquire tools for the financial analysis and an scrutinize the steps of the evaluation of the processes connected to the external information.

c. Making judgments: students will be able to profitably understand the business dynamics logic, also thanks to the acquisition of an interpretative model, particularly usefull for the continuatione of their studies.

d. Communication skills: by the end of the course students will have acquired problem analysis capability(and problem solving), interpersonal skills and an efective written and oral ability. An appropriate language will be acquired in order to to discuss the topics covered in the course with the various stakeholders.

Learning skills: The course aims at foster student learning ability through a proper approach to individual study and guided exercises.



Course unit content

The course is structured in three sections:

In the first part we will analyze companies operating characteristics, companies structure and the specific conditions that impact on the Institutional Structure and management. In particular, the Course introduce the main measuring systems adopted in order to reach economic efficiency and company's control.

The second part of the course address accounting method and the Financial Statements, as model of for determining business values. After developing methods related to the General Accounting system, we will deepen the structural features of companies balance sheet.

The third part of the course deals with the Programming and Control systems of Applied Management. These tools will be analyzed from the companies perspective as a tool to pursue efficiency and effectiveness with the aid of testimonials of the food sector.

Full programme

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Ferretti M., "Economia, Gestione e Organizzazione Aziendale -
Corso di Laurea in FOOD MANAGEMENT",
McGraw Hill Education, 2019, ISBN 978-13-074-7440-4

Teaching methods

-Acquisition of knowledge: lectures
-Acquisition of the ability to apply knowledge: exercises.
-Acquisition of Autonomy of judgment: During the course students will be encouraged to identify strengths and weaknesses of companies and models of programming and control.
-Acquisition of technical language During the course we will illustrates the meaning of the most commons terms commonly used by companies on the planning, control and balance.
-Applied knowledge: during the course. Various case studies will be presented and testimonies by operators of the businesses FOOD sector will take place

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam.
a) To assess "knowledge and understanding": nr. 3 open questions (15
b) To assess applying "knowledge and understanding": nr.1 exercise (15
The sufficiency must be achieved in both the questions and the
c) To assess "making judgements": open questions.
d) To assess "communication skills": open questions.
e) To assess "learning skills": all the previous assessing methodology.

The vote will be expressed in thirtieths and the honors will be awarded to particularly deserving students who, in addition to having obtained a full assessment in the performance of the test, have overall demonstrated an appreciable systematic knowledge of the topic, an excellent ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the specific problem in question, a significant autonomy of judgment, as well as a particular care in the formal drafting of the paper.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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