cod. PR15709

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche (M-DEA/01)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: General nursing I and bioethics

Learning objectives

Training the student in the acquisition of an intercultural and multicultural vision of society and nursing care. To form a knowledge free from social prejudices and able to offer equality. Accustom the nurses and prepare them to understand the cultural, ethnic and social differences, start them to a vision of assistance and health that takes into account customs, customs, religions, which in common have culture in common. To give a historical, social and cultural knowledge of the changes under way, to train the future nurses through the knowledge of the peoples, of the history of migrations, of the migration element in its amplitude, freeing the word itself from the prejudicial element, through a knowledge both cultural and historical of the human path of the phenomenon and of the antiquity of the same.
Therefore culture, multiculture, social inclusion and knowledge of the training objectives of the course.



Course unit content

knowledge of migration history, from prehistory to today. Use customs and precepts in cultural, social and religious diversities. The knowledge of the other through a vision without prejudice.

Full programme

lam and Islamism. Islamic culture in its uses, customs, and basic concepts.
Sikkhism and Hinduism through food, rituals and culture.
The approach to the end of life, through multiple cultural visions. The spiritual needs of others, from atheism to multireligious aspects. Foods, rituals, food in the world: for a knowledge of Italian multiculturalism. Migrations in history and the migratory phenomenon today. The routes of migration in the world, the trafficking of human beings. Italian, European and non-European legislation on migration. Social phenomena of scope: female genital mutilation, combined marriages, structuring of the family and social system in cultural diversities. Prejudice, where it is born, how it is born when it is born: a historical road of information and knowledge to overcome its barrier.


-Dan Sperber, "Il sapere degli antropologi". Feltrinelli, Milano 1984.

Gilberto Mazzoleni. "Il diverso e l'uguale. La concettualizzazione delle diversità nei contatti interculturali". Bulzoni editore, Roma 1977 .

Claude Lèvi-Strauss.Razza e Storia. Razza e cultura.
Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi Torino 2002

Bruno Riccio. "Migrazioni transnazionali dall'Africa, Etnografie multilocali a confronto". UTET università, Torino 2008.

Hernan Huarache Mamani. "Gli ultimi curanderos". Pickwick, Cles (TN) 2013.

Beneduce Roberto- Etnopsichiatria, sofferenza mentale e alterità.
Carocci editore 2007.
Mediterraneo: geopolitica, migrazioni e sviluppo.
Architectural Printing srl Ariccia, Roma 2015.
I nuovi scenari socio-linguistici in Italia. Richiedenti asilo, migranti, interpreti e nuovi scrittori.
Age srl Pomezia, Roma 2014.
Ugo Fabietti
Storia dell'antropologia. Zanichelli editore, Bologna, 1991.

Teaching methods

Lectures, through the use of images, direct experiences, and informative cultural activities. Short Internships (visitors) at migratory health centers.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam with oral examination.

Other information

The course includes a series of lectures / meetings of public and open nature called "cultural coffee" unique in Italy for nursing courses, which with the participation and support of figures belonging to the university world, social and religious, integrates the lessons in a different context from the university classrooms