cod. 1006530

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienza delle costruzioni (ICAR/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

To develop the threshold skills required, the student is asked to
demonstrate knowledge on the following points:
• Knowledge and understanding.
o To know the basic theory of solid and structural mechanics
o To know and embrace the concepts of stress state, strain state,
constitutive relationship
o To know the response of elastic, plastic, elasto-plastic and viscoelastic
o To understand relations governing the internal action and the elastic
curve of a beam
o To understand the response of elasto-plastic beam elements under
tension/compression, bending, shear, and torsion
o To understand the response of 2-dimensional structural elements
• Applying knowledge and understanding.
To be able to:
o apply the basic concepts of solid and structural mechanics
o determine the stress state, starting from the strain state, and viceversa
o interpret simple programs for the determination and drawing of the
internal action diagrams and of the elastic curve of a beam
o describe the stress and strain state of an elasto-plastic beam subjected
to tension/compression, bending, shear, and torsion
o describe and classify buckling phenomena
o use the acquired knowledge for autonomously studying and deepening
of issues related to solid and structural mechanics
o determine the stress state, starting from the strain state, and
viceversa, for solids with different material response
o write simple programs for the determination and drawing of the internal
action diagrams and of the elastic curve of a beam
o determine and calculate the stress and strain state of an elasto-plastic
beam subjected to tension/compression, bending, shear, and torsion
o classify buckling phenomena and evaluate the related critical loads
o use the acquired knowledge for autonomously studying and deepening
of issues related to solid and structural mechanics, and for the design of
structural elements
• Making judgements
o to evaluate the applicability of structural models to describe real
structures and elements
o to evaluate the applicability of the beam theory and of numerical
o to assess and compare independently the engineering solutions of a
problem with limited complexity
o to assess and compare independently the engineering solutions of a
o to analyze a problem related to solid and structural mechanics,
choosing autonomously the right approach and the appropriate tools for
its solution
• Communication skills
o to communicate effectively in written and/or oral form in the context of
solid and structural mechanics
o to know and know how to use the specific scientific / technical
terminology of solid and structural mechanics
o to know and know how to use the specific scientific / technical
terminology of solid and structural mechanics, possibly also in English
o to be able to properly use the mathematical language to describe the
treated issues
• Learning skills
o to catalog, schematize and elaborate the acquired knowledge
o to correlate the different topics one other and with the basic and
related disciplines
o to autonomously use and apply the acquired knowledge


It is essential to have a basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra,
physics and of solids and structural mechanics

Course unit content

The expertise are related with the study of the behavior of structures and
structural elements under the effect of various types of actions. In
particular, the course deepens issues treated in the courses “Structural
Mechanics” (for mechanical engineering students) and “Planning and
design of industrial components - module 2” (for management
engineering students), and addresses new issues.
The first part of the course is devoted to the study of Solid Mechanics,
and concerns stress and strain analysis and constitutive relations (linear
and nonlinear elasticity, elastoplasticity and viscoelasticity). The second
part is focused on Structural Mechanics. First, the theory of statically
determined and undetermined beams will be used to develop numerical
codes for the determination of the internal action diagrams and of the
elastic curve. The following issues will be the response of beam elements,
made of an elastoplastic material, under tension/compression, bending,
shear and torsion, the study of plane structural elements under in-plane
(membrane response) and out-of-plane (flexural response) loading, and
stability and buckling.
The last part of the course will be devoted to development, deepening
and implementation of different themes addressed during the course by the students, through Project Works.

Full programme

1. Constitutive relations
1.1. Revision of analysis of Stress and Strain. Mohr’s circles, classification
of stress states.
1.2. Constitutive models for engineering materials. Linear and non-linear
elasticity, elasto-plasticity
1.3. Anisotropic materials
1.4. Viscoelasticity
2. Elastoplastic Analysis of beams
2.1. Axially Loaded Members. Plastic deformations
2.2. Pure Bending. Plastic deformations and residual stress. Plastic
hinges. Moment-curvature relationship
2.3. Torsion. Plastic deformations and residual stress. Relationship
between torque and angle of twist.
2.4. Shear
3. 2-dimensional flat elements
3.1. plane structural elements under in-plane loading. Plane stress state,
Airy function
3.2. plane structural elements under out-of-plane loading (flexural
response). Kirkhhoff-Love plate theories
3.3. tensioned membranes
4. Stability and buckling
4.1. Buckling of compressed elements. Euler’s critical load.
4.2. Structures with concentrated elasticity
4.3. Flexural and torsional instabilities. Local instabilities.
5. Development of numerical codes for the determination of the elastic
5.1. Introduction to matlab
5.2. Revision of Calculus of statically indeterminate structures, internal
action relationships and diagrams, moment-curvature relationship,
governing differential equation for the elastic curve.
5.3. Development of numerical codes (in Matlab) for the determination of
the internal action diagrams
5.4. Development of numerical codes (in Matlab) for the determination of
the elastic curve


F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, J. T. DeWolf, D. F. Mazurek, "Meccanica dei
solidi - Elementi di scienza delle costruzioni", MCGraw-Hill, 4° edizione (in
italian, available also in english).
Other suggested books:
• S. H. Crandall, N. C. Dahl, T. J. Lardner, “Introduction to the Mechanics
of Solids”, McGraw-Hill, 2° Edizione.
• O. Belluzzi, “Scienza delle Costruzioni”, Zanichelli (in italian).

Teaching methods

Lectures will take place in telepresence, through the use of Teams and Elly platforms. In particular, lessons will be
given in synchronous mode, via Teams platform, with immediate feedback from the teacher/learners. Videos of the lessons will be also uploaded on the Elly course page, to allow for the asynchronous learning.
During the lessons in synchronous (direct) mode, mainly frontal moments will alternate with interactive moments with Students. To promote active participation in the course, various individual and a small group, through the use of the resources present in Elly.
The teacher will be available by appointment for face-to-face receptions/counselling.
In the second part of the course, student will be asked to autonomously
develop and deeply study issues related to solid and structural
mechanics, and/or to perform design exercises based on the content of
the course, with particular reference to mechanical and industrial
applications. This will be developed individually or in small groups (up to
3 students). The topics can be chosen by students from those proposed
by the teacher, or proposed by the students themselves. The teacher will
guide and support students at this stage. The report will be discussed in
the exam.
The teacher is available for clarification during office hours or by

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is based on
• a written test (lasting 2 hours), where the student will be asked to solve
a few exercises of the same type as those carried out in the classroom
during recitation. During the written test, the student can use calculator,
self- written formulary, as well as pens, pencils, etc. The evaluation is on
0-30 scale and students are admitted to the oral exam if at least 18
points are achieved. The marks will be published on Elly platform.
• an oral test, consisting in the discussion of the project developed by the
student (develop and deeply study of particular issues related to solid
and structural mechanics, and/or design exercises based on the content
of the course, with particular reference to mechanical and industrial
applications). During the oral examination will be verified that the student
knows and has successfully used the knowledge of the mechanics of
solids and structures, applied to a problem chosen by him/herself, and
can communicate procedures and obtained results properly using the
scientific/technic terminology. For teamworks, it will be verified that each
member of the group master all the work in its entirety and explicit parts
that he personally developed. The evaluation is on 0-30 scale and the
mark is communicated to the student at the end of the oral exam.
The final mark is the average of written and oral marks. “30 cum laude”
is given to students who achieve the highest score on each item and use
precise vocabulary.

Other information

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