Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
- analyse and fully understand the relationship between Architecture and City in particular in the experience of the Italian and European city (1st Dublin descriptor);
- apply the skills acquired in the field of architecture and city design with reference to the Contents (2nd Dublin descriptor);
- acquire a necessary and indispensable autonomy of critical (or self-critical) judgement on the architectural project including reflection on social and ethical responsibilities declined with respect to the specific themes described in the contents (3rd Dublin descriptor);
- develop communication skills in the field of architectural and urban design to specialist and non-specialist audiences as well as the knowledge and rationale behind them, particularly in relation to the indications described in the content (4th Dublin descriptor).
- to develop those learning skills which will enable them to continue their studies mostly in a self-directed or autonomous way. (5th Dublin descriptor).


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Course unit content

The architectural project is the synthesis of the different applied knowledge and acts through the translation of needs (functional, social, historical, but also structural, linguistic and poetic) into Architecture. The Laboratory is the place where the student-teacher and student-student dialectically operate the synthesis of all the knowledge already acquired or in course of acquisition.

The Final Synthesis Laboratory will deal in particular with the relationship between architecture and the city, where the settlement device experiences the inter-scalar concatenation of the architectural project in the definition of the role, form and figure of the urban part and the volumetric and spatial components that characterise it.
The project site is assumed as an urban part complementary to other urban parts in the definition of a significant role and systemisation with the structure of the city and the territory. The scale of the intervention is compared with the conditions of the context and the theme addressed, its criteria of habitability, also in the relationship with the landscape and the dialectic between architecture and infrastructure.

In addition to the compositional-design application, a contribution will be dedicated to the historical case history of urban transformation through the architectural project with a reflection on the theoretical concept of urban part, in the analysis of the structure and urban physiology of the context within which the project is inserted.

The sociology of participatory processes, environmental and economic sustainability, urban infrastructures, urban strategies and historical and cultural analysis will be fundamental interdisciplinary contributions for a complete understanding of the context of the city within which the architectural intervention is inserted.

Full programme

The teaching programme will be as follows
- Theoretical contributions in the classroom
- Lectures and conferences dedicated to case studies and projects
-Exercises dedicated to the theoretical principles of contemporary design
-workshops dedicated to the design exploration of an urban regeneration theme

The expected outcome is the setting up of the thesis work:
- identification of a theme of research interest for the thesis;
- definition of a historical investigation aimed at understanding and enhancing the project intervention;
- the analysis of the geographical and territorial context in which the project is to be implemented;
- the analysis of the potentialities and criticalities of the existing infrastructural network aimed at the regeneration of the urban context with a view to favouring a system for soft and sustainable mobility and pedestrian use patterns;
- The analysis of the urban context with particular attention to the identification of urban voids and fragile landscapes for the enhancement of intermediate spaces of the contemporary city;
- The critical identification of the system of existing urban relations and of interrupted green areas;
- Identification of an intervention strategy for urban regeneration;
- The preliminary design of public spaces in relation to architecture and the context for the activation of a dialectic between the built form and the ground.


E.N.Rogers, Gli elementi del fenomeno architettonico, Milano, 2006
E.N.Rogers, Esperienza dell’architettura, Milano, 1997
A. Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Parma, 1990
A. Rossi, L’architettura della città, Milano, 1966
A.Siza, Immaginare l'evidenza, Bari, 1998
A.Siza, Scritti di Architettura, Milano, 1996
P.Zumthor, Atmosfere. Ambienti architettonici. Le cose che ci circondano, Milano,2007
A.Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Milano, 1992
D.Costi, Casa Pubblica e Città, Parma, 2009
a cura di D. Costi, F.Magri, C. Mambriani, Parma Città d'oro, LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Siracusa, 2021, ISBN 978-88-6242-517-9.

Teaching methods

The teaching activities will be carried out by favouring active learning modalities alternating with lectures, case studies and in-depth seminars. During the case studies (in general authors and/or projects of contemporary architecture), the comparison with the students on the themes of architectural design will be privileged, also in order to bring out the students' pre-knowledge on the themes in question.

Assessment methods and criteria

The Laboratory provides for the verification of learning through the evaluation of the project intended as a synthesis of knowledge and of the student's ability to apply it. The final oral test consists of an individual interview through which the knowledge and the ability to critically understand the built architecture (1st, 2nd Dublin descriptor) in relation to the project will be verified. The interview will also test communication and learning/reasoning skills, clarity of exposition and the use of discipline-specific terminology (4th, 5th Dublin descriptors). During the final examination, in the case of a group project/exercise, it is necessary for each member of the group to master the entire exercise in its entirety and to state which parts he/she has worked on personally.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Goal 7: Clean and affordable energy;
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities;
Goal 13: Fight against climate change.