cod. 03428

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - First semester
Monia SAVI
Academic discipline
Fisiologia (BIO/09)
Discipline fisiologiche e biomediche
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1. To know and understand the molecular, cellular and tissue
mechanisms underlying the vital functions that characterize
a complex organism.
2. To describe clearly and with appropriate terminology a cellular function.


Physics, Biochemistry

Course unit content

Major contents are related to the analysis of:
1) Molecular mechanisms underlying the functions of animal cells that constitute a complex living organism.
2) Functions common to all cell types as well as functions of specific cell phenotypes (epithelial cells,
muscle cells, neurons).

Full programme

Priciples of cell physiology; cell membrane structure; transmembrane
transport of molecules, ions and water; epithelial cells and trans-epithelial
ion fluxes and transmembrane potentials; passive electrical properties of
cell membrane.
PART III: Excitable cells (neurons).
Neuron structural properties; electrical
messages (local potentials and action potentials); action potential
propagation; synaptic transmission.
PART IV: Sensory receptors.
Morpho-functional properties; transduction and coding
processes; transmission of sensory information.
PART V: Excitable cells (muscle cells: skeletal cells, cardiac cells and smooth
muscle cells).
Structural properties; electrophysiological properties; excitation-contraction coupling; molecular mechanism of contraction;
intrinsic and neural modulation of contraction.


1. Dee Unglaub Silverthorn: Fisiologia
umana. Un approccio integrato. Pearson Italia S.p.A. (Last Edition)
2. Robert M. Berne e Matthew N. Levy: FISIOLOGIA - Casa Editrice
Ambrosiana - (last edition)

Teaching methods

Oral interactive lessons, supported by iconographic material. Slides will
be made availble to the students every week in Elly platform. Lessons will
present the main conceptual frame of each subject, summoning
questions or doubts from the audience and indicating bibliographic
references for in-depth study of the different topics.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation will be carried out by means of a written test lasting
2 hours. The written test will consist of three open questions on definite topics. To pass the exam the student must achieve a sufficient
evaluation (18/30) in each open question.
The final evaluation will be made on the basis of the criteria described
A. Excellent knowledge and understanding of the topic and mastery of
specific terminology. Excellent capacity to apply knowledge. Vote in
thirties: 30/30 with praise.
B. Good knowledge and understanding of the subject. Good ability to
apply knowledge. Mastery of terminology. Vote in thirties: 27-29.
C. Discreet knowledge and understanding of the subject. Capacity to
apply knowledge and discreet mastery of specific terminology. Vote
thirties: 24-26.
D. Knowledge and understanding of the subject are fully sufficient.
Discreet capacity to apply knowledge. Vote in thirties: 21-23.
E. Barely sufficient knowledge and understanding of the argument with
shortcomings. Low capacity of application of knowledge and poor
mastery of terminology. Vote thirties: 18-20.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T.+39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager 

Roberta Pagani
T. +39 0521 905613 -  +39 0521 905555
E. servizio
E. del manager


President of the degree course

Valeria Rossi

Deputy President of the degree course 

Alessandra Mori

Faculty advisor

Antonella Bachiorri

Career guidance delegate

Anna Torelli

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Alessandra Mori


Paolo Lunghi