Thesis/Final examination

During the third year of the degree course, a practical-application training course (internship) is envisaged, which will make use of attendance at university laboratories, or those of public or private companies or research organizations, and which will be conducted under the guidance of a tutor. At the end of the traineeship, and after passing all the required examinations, the undergraduate will submit a short written report describing the methods and main results obtained. He/she will then present before a degree committee, consisting of the supervisor professor and, if necessary, assistant supervisor and other lecturers of the degree course, his/her internship activities and answer questions posed by the committee members.

Characteristics of the final test

The Commission will collectively assess the presentation's ability to expound and understand the issues. The committee may award a maximum of 5 points for the exhibition to which a maximum of 3 or 2 points may be added (if the student graduates in or outside prescribed time for course completion by 1 year respectively).
The Course Council has resolved to award the distinction to candidates who have an average of at least 109/110, at least 5 honours, graduate on course with 5 points for the thesis and with unanimous approval of the committee.
The online graduation application must be completed at least 1 month before the graduation session and the last examination must be recorded at least 10 days before the graduation session The online procedure for applying to sit the graduation examination is now active.
From the Athenaeum's website, click on Studente iscritto> Servizi di Segreteria on line> Domanda di laurea; you will need to access the service with your credentials.
Bachelor's degree students are reminded that they are NOT required to enter their final thesis paper into ESSE3

Conduct of the final examination

In order to obtain the degree of Doctor of Biology, the student must first take a final examination (graduation examination), after passing all the examinations and other educational activities. The final examination normally takes place in July, October, December and April of each academic year. Admission requirements, application procedures, notices and the calendar of sessions are published on the CoS website. The Examination Board for the final examination is appointed by the Rector on the recommendation of the President of the School of Studies. It is composed of a minimum of five members, the majority of whom must be full professors, and is chaired by the President of the School of Studies or his delegate. The President of the Graduation Committee is responsible for ensuring the orderly conduct of the examination. The President also appoints a Secretary from among the members of the Commission to be responsible for recording the proceedings of the final examination.
The procedures for the conduct and assessment of the final examination are laid down as follows: at the end of the practical-application training (internship), the undergraduate student must submit a short written report to the Degree Course Delegate for Practical Training in which he/she describes the methods used and the main results obtained. Subsequently, before the Degree Committee (which includes his supervisor and assistant supervisor, if any), he presents and discusses the methodologies applied and the results obtained during his internship. The maximum time available to the student for the oral presentation is 10 minutes, during which they may use computer aids. The Commission may ask the student questions aimed in particular at verifying the autonomy achieved in the development of practical internship experience. The Board collectively assesses the student's ability to expound and critically discuss the issues related to the presentation and awards a maximum score of 5 points for the final examination, to be added to the arithmetic mean of the student's career marks, to which the following marks may be added 3 points if the student graduates in the current year, 2 points if the student graduates in the first year outside prescribed time for course completion. If the candidate obtains the highest mark, honours may be awarded in the unanimous opinion of the committee. The final mark is expressed in one hundred tenths, irrespective of the number of members of the selection board. The examination is passed with the attainment of at least sixty-six / one hundred tenths (66/110). The proclamation is made by the President of the Degree Committee by proxy received from the Magnifico Rettore. Registration for the final examination must be carried out exclusively online, as described on the degree course website.

Rewards for student representatives on university bodies and organs

At its meetings of 8 April and 6 May 2021, the Council of the Department of Chemical, Life and Environmental Sustainability Sciences resolved to award the "special mention at graduation for the service provided in support of the functioning of the University Bodies" to students who have participated in the Collegiate Councils listed below, for at least one year of activity and provided that they have guaranteed attendance at at least 75% of the meetings (excused absences up to a maximum of 25% of the total number of meetings will also be counted as attendance).
Students must self-certify their participation by sending a communication to the President of the Course of Study when submitting their degree application, specifying:
-the type of collegiate body -the time span of the term of office of the representative -the dates of the meetings in which he/she actually took part, The President of the Course of Study, with the assistance of the Quality Assurance Office, will check what has been self-certified and will proceed to inform the President of the Degree Committee. 
The special mention at graduation for the service offered to support the functioning of the University bodies appears only on the degree certificate (on tax stamps) that the student may request from the Student Registry Office, while it will not appear on the one that the student can download directly from ESSE3.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T.+39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager  Roberta Pagani
T. +39 0521 905613 -  +39 0521 905555
E. servizio
E. del manager

President of the degree course

Valeria Rossi

Deputy President of the degree course

Alessandra Mori

Faculty advisor

Antonella Bachiorri

Career guidance delegate

Anna Torelli