Enrolment procedures and deadlines

BIOLOGY (Class L-13 - Biological Sciences) course code 3023 Locally scheduled admission course in chronological order of enrolment with merit evaluation through the baccalaureate grade A.y. enrolments 2022/2023 Number of places: 199 of which 5 from outside the European Union (including 1 Chinese student Marco Polo Project) Registration opens on 7 July 2022 The registration procedure is exclusively online and can be carried out from the home page of the University's website www.unipr.it under "Online Enrolment" (www.unipr.it/iscrizioni) For further information please refer to the University's Prospectus

Bando e guida operativa per l’ammissione al 1° anno biologia – anno accademico 2024/2025

Bando e guida operativa per l'iscrizione al concorso in cui sono elencati, passo dopo passo, i vari passaggi che i candidati dovranno seguire per portare a termine la procedura.

N.B. Gli screenshot all'interno della guida operativa mostrano, a mero titolo esemplificativo, la pagina per l'iscrizione al Corso di Chimica. 

PART TIME Registration

Since the 2015-2016 academic year, the figure of the part-time student has been introduced at the University of Parma. 
More details can be found in the University's Regulations for the Registration of Part-Time Students The programme of study for part-time students can be found in the annex to the Study Course Regulations.

Access requirements

The degree programme is open to students in accordance with Art. 2 of Law 264/1999 in order to ensure access to highly specialised laboratories and computer and technology systems. The number is decided from year to year by the competent Academic Bodies, after assessing the teaching, structural and instrumental resources available for the organization, management and operation of the degree course. For the academic year 2020-21, the number of applicants is 199 (including 5 from outside the EU) and there is no admission test. Enrolment will be on the basis of chronological order of booking with merit valuation through the baccalaureate grade.
All students who have obtained a secondary school diploma or a foreign qualification recognised as equivalent may enrol in the Biology Degree Course.
All enrolment information is duly and promptly published in the University's Prospectus on the institutional website.
At the beginning of the curricular activities in the first year, a non-selective knowledge test (Self-Assessment Test) is scheduled, enabling students to assess their level of preparation in the mathematical, physical and chemical disciplines. Failure to pass the knowledge test results in an additional educational obligation (OFA) that must be fulfilled during the first year of the course. Any weaknesses revealed by the test result will be remedied by remedial/tutoring activities organised by the university or the CSD. OFAs will be checked either by means of specific partial tests administered at regular intervals during the lecture period or in the examination by means of specific questions and exercises. Those who, during the course of the academic year, do not appear for these tests or do not pass them, will have to take the self-assessment test again in October of the year following their year of enrolment. All information on the Self-Assessment Test can be found on the website of the Biology department.

Admission procedures

The degree programme is open to students in accordance with Art. 2 of Law 264/1999 in order to ensure access to highly specialised laboratories and computer and technology systems. The number is decided from year to year by the competent Academic Bodies, after assessing the teaching, structural and instrumental resources available for the organization, management and operation of the degree course. For the academic year 2020-21, the number of applicants is 199 (including 5 from outside the EU) and there is no admission test. Enrolment will be on the basis of chronological order of booking with merit valuation through the baccalaureate grade.
All students who have obtained a secondary school diploma or a foreign qualification recognised as equivalent may enrol in the Biology Degree Course.
All enrolment information is duly and promptly published in the University's Prospectus on the institutional website.
At the beginning of the curricular activities in the first year, a non-selective knowledge test (Self-Assessment Test) is scheduled, enabling students to assess their level of preparation in the mathematical, physical and chemical disciplines. Failure to pass the knowledge test results in an additional educational obligation (OFA) that must be fulfilled during the first year of the course. Any weaknesses revealed by the test result will be remedied by remedial/tutoring activities organised by the university or the CSD. OFAs will be checked either by means of specific partial tests administered at regular intervals during the lecture period or in the examination by means of specific questions and exercises. Those who, during the course of the academic year, do not appear for these tests or do not pass them, will have to take the self-assessment test again in October of the year following their year of enrolment. All information on the Self-Assessment Test can be found on the website of the Biology department.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T.+39 0521 905116
E. segreteria.scienze@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager  Roberta Pagani
T. +39 0521 905613 -  +39 0521 905555
E. servizio didattica.scvsa@unipr.it
E. del manager roberta.pagani@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Valeria Rossi

Deputy President of the degree course

Alessandra Mori

Faculty advisor

Antonella Bachiorri

Career guidance delegate

Anna Torelli