cod. 1007296

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Type of training activity
0 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The pre-graduate internship is an activity aimed at gaining application and / or research experience in the psychological field in the area as well as in university departments. It is carried out by students of Psychology during the Master's Degree Course in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience and has as its main purposes: a) to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, b) to learn experimental or clinical procedures related to psychological knowledge, c) to observe critically and develop judgment skills on observed realities, d) start working in a specific professional setting with other people.


The student can start the internship after having included this activity in their second year study plan (in November). The actual start date of the internship cannot precede the one declared in the online training project, under penalty of invalidation of the internship itself.

Course unit content

The internship leads to the acquisition of eight training credits (CFU) which have curricular value. The number of credits is specified in the Didactic System. The methods of accumulating CFUs are set out in the following paragraphs. The internship experience is carried out under the assistance of a company tutor. The development of the pre-graduate internship is followed by the University, which evaluates the proposals, judges their adequacy and follows the intern during the performance of his / her activity.

Full programme

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The student can start the internship after having included this activity in their second year study plan (in November). The actual start date of the internship cannot precede the one declared in the online training project, under penalty of invalidation of the internship itself.

Teaching methods

The student has two possibilities in choosing the external company:
- apply for one of the opportunities offered by companies, among those present in Esse3. After sending their application, the student waits for the enrollment period to close, the host company to choose the candidate (s) and the approval of the Careers and Student Services OU.
- make contact with a company of his/her choice and wait for the Company Contact of this institution to start a specific internship for the student, entering the training project. The completion of the training objectives by the Company Contact Person is reported on the student's Esse3 page, which confirms the correctness of the training project entered and sends it to the Academic Tutor, choosing it from those defined by the Degree Course. Following the approval of the Academic Tutor and the Careers and Services U.O, the internship activity is started by e-mail to the student. If the Academic Tutor does not approve the training project, it returns to the Company Contact with indications of the changes to be made.

Assessment methods and criteria

The daily attendance of the internship activities and the indication of the activities carried out daily must be recorded by the intern in the internship booklet and signed daily by the Company Tutor, which also have to give a brief evaluation of the intern, using the form in the booklet. At the end of the internship, the following must be produced: a) Internship report: the student must produce a report on the activities carried out, following the guidelines made available on the Degree Course website, uploading it to the Attachments of the dedicated Esse3 page. To proceed with the verbalization of the internship credits, the report must be approved by the Academic Tutor, who may request changes to the intern. b) Internship evaluation questionnaires: at the end of the internship activity, two online evaluation questionnaires must be completed, one by the intern, the other by the company.

Other information

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