Pre-graduate internships
The pre-graduate internship is an activity geared towards gaining application and/or research experience in the field of psychology on the territory as well as in university departments. It is carried out by students enrolled in the second year in order to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, to learn experimental or clinical procedures related to psychological knowledge, to observe critically and develop judgement skills on observed realities, to start working in a specific professional setting with other people.
The pre-graduate internship must have a duration of 200 hours (corresponding to 8 ECTS credits), to be divided into days occupying a maximum of 8 hours and a maximum total of 40 hours per week. It must be carried out under the supervision of a company tutor, who does not necessarily have to be a registered psychologist.
The management of internships is entirely carried out online through the Esse3 application: it is accessed by the student, the host company and the Academic Tutor. The host company may be the University of Parma (Internal internship) or a, public or private, company outside the University of Parma (External internship). The internship must take place in a single company.
In addition to the student, the figures involved are:
1) Company contact person: the figure, identified within the host company, who is in charge of preparing the training objectives and initiating the practical internship activation procedure; 2) Academic tutor: the figure, identified within the Course of Study, who approves/does not approve the training project, approves/does not approve the final report of the internship and records the ECTS credits at the end of the activities; 3) Company Tutor: the figure within the host company who follows the trainee in the training pathway, records his/her hourly attendance at the activities and draws up the final assessment on his/her activity.
During the period devoted to compiling the programme of study, the student enrolled in the second year enters the work placement in his or her programme of study, choosing between the possible modes: internal, external, international. Changes to the chosen mode are possible, within the time windows dedicated to changing the programme of study, for current students; students not completing the course within the prescribed time must, however, request the change from the Student Registry Office.
Guide to the online mode for students
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