
Pre-graduate internships

The pre-graduate internship is an activity geared towards gaining application and/or research experience in the field of psychology on the territory as well as in university departments. It is carried out by students enrolled in the second year in order to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, to learn experimental or clinical procedures related to psychological knowledge, to observe critically and develop judgement skills on observed realities, to start working in a specific professional setting with other people.
The pre-graduate internship must have a duration of 200 hours (corresponding to 8 ECTS credits), to be divided into days occupying a maximum of 8 hours and a maximum total of 40 hours per week. It must be carried out under the supervision of a company tutor, who does not necessarily have to be a registered psychologist. 
The management of internships is entirely carried out online through the Esse3 application: it is accessed by the student, the host company and the Academic Tutor. The host company may be the University of Parma (Internal internship) or a, public or private, company outside the University of Parma (External internship). The internship must take place in a single company.
In addition to the student, the figures involved are:
1) Company contact person: the figure, identified within the host company, who is in charge of preparing the training objectives and initiating the practical internship activation procedure; 2) Academic tutor: the figure, identified within the Course of Study, who approves/does not approve the training project, approves/does not approve the final report of the internship and records the ECTS credits at the end of the activities; 3) Company Tutor: the figure within the host company who follows the trainee in the training pathway, records his/her hourly attendance at the activities and draws up the final assessment on his/her activity.
During the period devoted to compiling the programme of study, the student enrolled in the second year enters the work placement in his or her programme of study, choosing between the possible modes: internal, external, international. Changes to the chosen mode are possible, within the time windows dedicated to changing the programme of study, for current students; students not completing the course within the prescribed time must, however, request the change from the Student Registry Office.

Guide to the online mode for students



Modulistica per richiesta idoneità sede, tutor e progetto formativo

Sono di seguito allegati i moduli da utilizzare per richiedere che la Commissione Integrata Tirocini dia l'idoneità alla Sede di tirocinio, al Tutor Aziendale e al collegato Progetto formativo. I moduli devono essere allegati dal Referente Aziendale della Sede, una volta attivata la convenzione, nella pagina Esse3 al momento della presentazione del PRIMO PROGETTO FORMATIVO da parte della Azienda.

Recognition of ECTS credits

It is at the student's discretion to apply to theDegree Council of the Second-Cycle Degree Course in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience for ECTS credits acquired during professional training activities (seminars, workshops, etc.) to be recognised as internship ECTS credits, with a corresponding reduction of the internship hours. These training activities are proposed by the Degree Course itself, which defines for each activity the number of ECTS credits that may be recognised and the procedures for requesting certification.
Students may also request recognition of work experience ECTS credits deriving from participation in professional training activities offered by other organisations: in this case, the student must submit the request for recognition to the Academic Tutor, before starting the work experience activity, using the attached form 2 - "REQUESTS FOR CREDIT ACTIVITY RECOGNITION FOR TRAINING ACTIVITIES", attaching all the information required for evaluation purposes (timetable and programme of the training activity, certification/attestation of attendance). The request will be assessed by the Second-Cycle Degree Degree Council at its first meeting.

Form 2 - requests for recognition of ECTS credits for training activities


Pre-graduate internships regulation Psychobiology and cognitive neuroscience

Guidelines for drawing up the report


Students who are currently undertaking or have undertaken but not yet recorded, an internship started under the previous mode, must conclude their training activity and deliver or send by e-mail to the Academic Tutor Prof. Annalisa Pelosi the report on the work internship, no later than 10 days before it is due to be recorded.

In the link below, the assessments assigned by the Academic Tutor to the reports are published in real time, per session scheduled for recording. hand in your signature booklet to the Academic Tutor for verification of attendance and collection of the Tutor's assessment; register on the Esse3 page at the chosen call for recording.

The Academic Tutor for the Degree Course in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience is Prof. Annalisa Pelosi who meets on Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in her office in Via Volturno, 39.


The Degree Course in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience organises seminar cycles, held by experts and professionals, for anyone interested in the subject. Participation in each meeting is free and does not require registration.

Graduating student students may apply for the recognition of 1 ECTS credit of internship for attending seminars. Training credit is only awarded if the student has attended all the meetings scheduled for each seminar cycle:  attendance is recorded by the signatures of the instructor of each meeting on the attendance sheet attached to this page. Students wishing to apply for credit must therefore: a) download the attendance form from this page and print it out; b) fill it in where indicated with their matriculation number, name and surname, and year of course; c) collect the professor/instructor's signatures at the end of each meeting; d) deliver it, at the end of the seminar cycle and in any case before the start of the pre-graduation work internship activity, to the pre-graduation Work internship Contact Person, in accordance with the procedures indicated on the form.

The sheet, duly signed and stamped by the contact person, must be retained and handed in to the Student Registry Office, together with the internship booklet, when the student submits the application documents.


Il CARTELLINO IDENTIFICATIVO deve essere apposto sul camice durante i tirocini. Sul Cartellino non deve essere apposto né il nome né il cognome del tirocinante.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
[titolo] [nome] [cognome]

T. +39 0521 000000
E. servizio [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)
E. del manager [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Presidente del corso di studio

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Delegato orientamento in uscita

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Docenti tutor

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Delegati Erasmus

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)
[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
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Referente assicurazione qualità

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Tirocini formativi

E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Studenti tutor

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)