cod. 1009305

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

a) Knowledge and understanding:
The student will have the opportunity to learn and understand the economic, social, cultural, institutional and political-normative processes that mark the gradual affirmation of industrial civilization in the countries of the second wave of industrialization.
b) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to apply what he has learned to better understand the complexity of some dynamics of the industrial system, also in relation to the other courses followed.
c) Autonomy of judgment:
The student will be able to evaluate the different entrepreneurial dynamics and develop a critical analysis of the influencing factors that characterize their evolution.
d) Communication skills:
The student will acquire a lexical and conceptual heritage essential for the training and communication of a specialist student in the economic-business disciplines.
e) Ability to learn:
The student will experience a teaching method articulated on different levels - local, national and international - in which entrepreneurial propensities are emerging, in their own ways and times.



Course unit content

Why is it increasingly difficult, at least with the traditional paradigms of economic theory, to clearly define the contours of the entrepreneur? Brilliant demiurge innovator or shrewd company administrator? At least since the eighteenth century, economic theory has ventured, with varying fortunes, in the effort to focus on this fundamental and elusive protagonist of economic development. In the first lessons, a summary framework of European economic development in the period under analysis will be presented, a preparatory framework for deepening the contents of the second part of the course. In this context, what are the long-term historical dynamics that, starting with the pre-industrial artisan workshop, preside over the gradual affirmation of the factory system and, starting from the English reality, the advent of modern enterprise? And, in a more specific context, what are the peculiarities of the entrepreneurial system of a last-comer country like Italy with reference to the emerging industrial sectors? And the business model that is gradually prevailing? Small or large business? And why? These are just some of the questions we will try to answer in this course. The last part of the course, of a monographic nature, will be dedicated to a historical analysis of the peculiarities and strengths of the Parma canning industry which, starting from the last decades of the nineteenth century, will gradually innervate one of the cornerstones of today, celebrated "Food Valley".

Full programme

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M. DORIA, Industrial entrepreneurship in Italy from Unification to the "economic miracle. Captains of industry, masters, innovators, Turin, Giappichelli, 1998.

A. GUENZI, The agro-industrial system, in “History of Parma”, 1, The original characters, Parma, MUP, 2008, pp. 453-479.

S. MAGAGNOLI, From the fields to the workshops. Origin and development of the agro-industrial system of Parma, in S. MAGAGNOLI ET AL., “Thus the redeemed work will at last be ...”. Land workers in Parma from leagues to CGIL, Parma, MUP, 2005, pp. 221-265.

Teaching methods

Due to the continuing conditions of uncertainty related to the effects of Covid-19, the course will take place in e-learning mode using both synchronous and asynchronous didactic tools.
The first part of the course (about 30% of the total lessons) will focus on the historical, economic and international institutional background, within which the individual entrepreneurial paths are maturing. The perspective will be long-term between the first and second industrial revolution and the subsequent start of the European integration process, focusing, from time to time, on the fundamental stages of this historical-economic itinerary.
The second part of the course (about 70% of the total lessons) will focus, on the other hand, on the history of the company with particular reference to the Italian context from the time of Unification and up to the dawn of the Third Millennium. In this context, emphasis will be given, in the last lessons of the course, to the specificity of the so-called "Emilian model" and, in particular, to the historical evolution of the Parma canning sector.

Assessment methods and criteria

Knowledge and understanding will be assessed with multiple choice tests at the end of the course. The test will consist of 15 questions. Each right question will be worth one point. The test is to be considered passed with the achievement of at least 9 points out of 15.
The aforementioned procedure for passing the exam will be valid for all the appeals of the academic year 2021-2022.

Other information

Any supplementary materials and additional activities will be communicated at the beginning of the course and published on the Elly website of the course.