cod. 1009274

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Maristella MIGLIOLI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Tirocinio nei ssd di riferimento della classe
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit


Learning objectives

The Laboratory of Groups Psychology applied to the helping professions fits into the Teaching of Psychology applied to Group and Social Dynamics.
It aims to raise students awareness and understanding that the interpersonal dynamics which underlie a group are related to group processes that have been studied and identified in the literature and are predictable related to contextual factors (type of organization, mission, roles, leadership, climate, communication styles, etc..). It also aims to have the students acquire social competence and management skills and be able to identify and cope with the onset of situations of work-related distress.
At the end of the course the student should be able to use the acquired knowledge in order to improve self-efficacy and collective efficacy in their team and to contribute to organizational well-being.


Nothing to report

Course unit content

The lessons series provides basic knowledge of social and work psychology and management related to groups functioning . The lessons are supplemented with exercises useful to recognize and improve one’s social skills. Literature data are presented as a reference in order to better understand processes and dynamics in each one’s work context.
The topics of organizational well-being, equal opportunities, absence of discrimination and mobbing and lateral hostilities prevention are also developed with reference to Italian laws.

Full programme

Usually, before the onset of covid-19 epidemic and the need of social distancing, the degree of learning was checked by a written exam, with open-ended answers to questions regarding the topics of the lessons. For the 2020-21 a.y., depending on the health emergency situation, distance exams could be necessary; in that case, written exams with multiple answers choice will be prompted. Anyhow the students will have to demonstrate that they did not acquired the theoretical knowledge only. They will have to show they improved their own social skills.
Each student will pass the final exam if he will answer correctly at least to 70% of questions. The evaluation will take into account the student's ability to answer questions by showing how to relate what they learn to their own professional context.
The final evaluation will be formulated based on the total of marks of the Teaching to which this module belongs.
The disciplinary module is divided into 3 areas:
1. From the working group to a team in the organizational context: roles, processes and dynamics.
• Historical and cultural development of the relationship between each individual, the group and the organizational structure.
• Introduction on the main areas of study on leadership
• Social identities and affiliations
2. organizational well-being
• Law 83/2010 Equal opportunities and absence of discrimination
• Mobbing / Lateral Hostilities
3.How to manage situation of greater relationship difficulty, especially in terms of emotional control and conflict management
• Empathy, listening techniques, social skills, assertiveness • Intoduction to motivational counseling • Emotions regulations, emotional intelligence • Conflict negotiation


-S. Dello Russo (a cura di): Leadership e gruppi di successo. La ricerca per la pratica organizzativa – Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010.
-B. Bertani, M. Manetti (a cura di), Psicologia dei gruppi. Teoria, contesti e metodologie d’intervento, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007.
-S. A. Haslam, S. D. Reicher, M. J. Platow, Psicologia del leader. Identità, influenza e potere., Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013. -P. De Sario, Far funzionare i gruppi. Risolvere le situazioni complesse con la Facilitazione esperta e il Face-model, Franco -S. Dello Russo (a cura di): Leadership e gruppi di successo. La ricerca per la pratica organizzativa – Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010.
-B. Bertani, M. Manetti (a cura di), Psicologia dei gruppi. Teoria, contesti e metodologie d’intervento, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007. -S. A. Haslam, S. D. Reicher, M. J. Platow, Psicologia del leader. Identità, influenza e potere., Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013. -P. De Sario, Far funzionare i gruppi. Risolvere le situazioni complesse con la Facilitazione esperta e il Face-model, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010.
Slides and teaching materials used during the lessons, provided by the teacher.
Angeli, Milano, 2010.

Teaching methods

Usually, before the onset of covid-19 epidemic and the need social distancing, lessons were carried out in the class-room using slides and discussion with the students in an interactive dimension. Those lessons were integrated with practical exercises aimed at the development of social and interpersonal skills, which are fundamental for helping professions (empathetic nearness and listening, emotional control, conflict management). In the first period of the 2020/21 a.y. (Covid-19 third phase) it will be necessary to integrate face to face teaching with distance teaching, as established by the Academic Senate.

Assessment methods and criteria

Usually, before the onset of covid-19 epidemic and the need of social distancing, the degree of learning was checked by a written exam, with open-ended answers to questions regarding the topics of the lessons. For the 2020-21 a.y., depending on the health emergency situation, distance exams could be necessary; in that case, written exams with multiple answers choice will be prompted. Anyhow the students will have to demonstrate that they did not acquired the theoretical knowledge only. They will have to show they improved their own social skills.
Each student will pass the final exam if he will answer correctly at least to 70% of questions. The evaluation will take into account the student's ability to answer questions by showing how to relate what they learn to their own professional context.
The final evaluation will be formulated based on the total of marks of the Teaching to which this module belongs.

Other information

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