cod. 1007802

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
* scienze ostetriche
Type of training activity
16 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

Il corso si pone l’obiettivo di far acquisire agli studenti un repertorio di
conoscenze, abilità e capacità di riflessione critica rispetto all’utilizzo
della ricerca, stante la rilevanza della stessa nella professione
infermieristica ed ostetrica. Gli studenti dovranno dimostrare di aver
compreso ed assimilato il processo della ricerca in tutte le fasi che lo
compongono, evidenziando le differenze insite nelle diverse tipologie di
studi. Essi dovranno saper leggere ed analizzare criticamente i risultati
della ricerca, nazionale ed internazionale, attingendo alle fonti delle
migliori prove di efficacia disponibili. Saranno costruiti con gli studenti i
passaggi fondamentali del processo della ricerca, con particolare grado di
approfondimento per le prime due fasi.
Gli Studenti sapranno delineare in modo specifico una possibile area
problematica, formulare correttamente il quesito della ricerca,
individuare e formulare l’ipotesi di ricerca e selezionare il disegno della
ricerca pertinente.
Ci si propone di far acquisire agli studenti gli strumenti principali per la
preparazione di un progetto di ricerca quali- quantitativo, applicabile alle
specifiche aree di competenza infermieristica ed ostetrica.


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Course unit content

Meaning and phases of the nursing and midwifery Search: wording of the
question (problem) for research and definition of the purpose - Research
design, qualitative and quantitative tools of hypothesis testing - Methods
of sampling and data collection. Basic research and applied research in
health care settings - experimental studies, observational studies -
Identification of relevant variables to the research problem - Formulation
of the hypothesis of research-Critical reading of a scientific article -
Ethical issues related to research in health care.

Full programme

At the end of the course the student will be able to argue consciously the
following contents:
- Definition of Search - The importance of research in nursing and
midwifery - The scientific method (systematic, objectivity) - inductive and
deductive reasoning - Theories, concepts, elements to be considered in
the criticism of the theories and conceptual models - EBM, EBN, EBHC:
the best evidence base for clinical practice and the management of
issues related to the organizational aspects of the nursing and midwifery professions, the training focused on developing strategies EBN - The
pyramid of evidence - Types of studies and their characteristics:
experimental, quasi-experimental, observational (descriptive and
analytical) - Basic and applied research - The phases of the research
process - Classification of research based on time - Approaches to
research: scanning and searching - Correct formulation of the research
question: backgroud, foreground , method PICO - The review of the
literature: aims, primary sources, secondary sources - Guidelines for the
critique of a research report - Classification of variables: definition and
different types depending on the type of study and the research question
- causal relationships between the variables - Formulation of the
hypothesis of research and its verifiability - Selection of research design
(quantitative and qualitative), the purpose of design - Materials and
Methods - Tools for Checking dell'ipostesi Research - Principles of
measurement - Reliability - Validity (internal, external) - Selection of the
sample: the universe, the unit of analysis, methods for probabilistic and
non-probabilistic sampling - The questionnaire: fundamental concepts for
the construction and administration of the questionnaire - Development
of a research project; fundamental areas of the Protocol of a study. -
Ethical considerations related to research.
It should be noted that, as a compendium of theoretical concepts, the
focus will be constantly orients nanny to the presentation of examples
and case studies drawn from everyday contexts of care.


-D.F.Polit - C.T. Beck, Fondamenti di ricerca Ricerca infermieristica, Cc Graw - Hill Education, 2018, edizione italiana a cura di Alvisa Palese.
- James A. Fain, La ricerca infermieristica – leggerla, comprenderla e
applicarla, Milano, McGraw-Hill Companies, srl Publishing Group Italia,
2004, trad. it. di: Reading, Understanding, and Applying Research. A test
and Workbook, 2nd edition
- Kenneth D. Bailey, Metodi della ricerca sociale, Bologna, ed. Il Mulino,
1985, trad. it. di Methods of Social Research, New York, The Free Press,
1982. Edizione italiana a cura di Maurizio Rossi.
- Geri Lo Biondo – Wood, Judith Haber, Metodologia della ricerca
infermieristica, Milano, McGraw-Hill Companies, srl Publishing Group
Italia, edizione italiana a cura di Julita Sansoni, 3nd edition.
- Monographs
- Lesson slides

Teaching methods

Lectures and interactive with the use of audiovisual aids, classroom
discussion with students, group and individual processing. The course will be held through lectures to Students either in the classroom (“in presenza”) or in synchronous-streaming (“in telepresenza”) on the Teams platform. Therefore, the opportunity of Student/Teacher interaction will be preserved both face to face and remotely, by the simultaneous use of the Teams platform.
Lectures will be supported by slide presentations, which will be available to students on the Elly platform (

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning and the degree of preparation is checked by oral test will
ensure that the knowledge gained by the students also through in-depth
study of the following material:
1) Text: D.F.Polit - C.T. Beck, Fondamenti di ricerca Ricerca infermieristica, Cc Graw - Hill Education, 2014, edizione italiana a cura di Alvisa Palese.
2) Slides posted on the site is the University. Oral examination.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (

Other information

The learning and the degree of preparation is checked by oral test will
ensure that the knowledge gained by the students also through in-depth
study of the following material:
1) Text: D.F.Polit - C.T. Beck, Fondamenti di ricerca Ricerca infermieristica, Cc Graw - Hill Education, 2018, edizione italiana a cura di Alvisa Palese.
2) Slides posted on the site is the University.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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