Learning objectives
The module aims to offer critical and operational tools for archival and bibliographic research in the historical-architectural field.
The student will learn how to deal with the different types of documents; to distinguish primary and secondary sources, written, graphic and oral; to correctly compile a bibliography; to move autonomously in conducting preparatory research for the realization of an intellectual product or an architectural or urban project.
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Course unit content
The primary objective of the module is to provide the basic archival and bibliographic tools for the analysis and understanding of historical documents and historiographical texts on architecture, a skill that requires multiple approaches and methods of differentiated analyzes, while always respecting the unity of history.
Full programme
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See bibliography of the main course
Teaching methods
Lectures with images and videos; exercises leading to thematic seminars.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam on the whole program (lessons and bibliography), with possible request of elementary graphic examples and discussion about books and images.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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