cod. 1008321

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto amministrativo (IUS/10)
"discipline economiche, sociali, giuridiche per l'architettura e l'urbanistica"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and learning skills:
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired a specific
preparation in the field of urban planning, passive public contracts (Code
of public contracts), also following the examination of practical cases
The student will also acquire the basic knowledge and skills of the
discipline of reference, to address, in the future, a deepening and
independent evaluation of these aspects, certainly necessary for the
performance of the profession, either in a free form or under the
authority of a public administration.
At the end of the course of study, the student will have learned the
procedures for the training of urban planning tools, for participation in
public tenders and for the localization of public works and the rules
governing them. The student will be able, therefore, to educate,
independently, the main requirements related to these procedures, now
consisting, mainly, in the compilation of single forms prepared both at
national and regional level.
Ability to communicate:
Upon passing the exam the student must have a sufficient property of
language, at least as regards the specific technical-legal terminology of
the course.


good command of the Italian language

Course unit content

- Constitutional profiles and general principles of administrative law
(sources of law);
- Urban planning: general aspects;
- General operational town planning: general town development plan and
manufacturing programme;
-Ordinary Implementation Urban Planning: Spatial: Detailed Plans, PEEP
and Zoning Plans;
- Urban regeneration: content and objectives, with particular reference to
L.R. Emilia Romagna n. 24/2017
- the arrangements for locating public works;
- Public contracts: introduction, applicable definitions and general
- Typical stages of custody procedures
- The requirements (and qualification if any) of participants in public
evidence procedures
- Procedures for the selection of private contractors
- Selection criteria for tenders and criteria for the identification and
verification of abnormally low tenders
- The award of architectural and engineering services
- Design competitions and ideas competitions

Full programme

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For the part of the didactic module related to urban planning: G.
PAGLIARI, Manuale di diritto urbanistico, Milano, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre,
2019 (ISBN 9788828815792), limited to the following chapters: Part One
(all); Part Two (Ch. I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII,
For the part of the didactic module related to public works, a resume
prepared by the teacher will be made available on the Elly portal

Teaching methods

The course is divided into a series of lectures of active learning (in the
classroom, in the presence), during which will always be reserved a
dialogue with the classroom. A number of examples of the practical
application of individual legal systems will be given at the level of each
topic. All the legislation mentioned or analyzed in the classroom will be
made available at the individual lessons and will be an integral part of the
learning and exam program. If, due to the continuing health emergency
from Covid-19, it is necessary to carry out the lessons at a distance, it will
proceed in synchronous mode, through Application Teams, after
appropriate communication to the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of learning consists of a written test (test), and a
possible optional oral test, to be held on the same day of administration
of the written test, and immediately after its correction by the teacher.
The exam consists of a written test, lasting 40 minutes, consisting of 11
questions, of which 10 with closed answer, and one with open answer.
Each closed question presents three possible answers, of which only one
is correct.
The maximum score achieved by passing the test is 27/30.
The test consists of n. 2 closed-ended questions, each with a value of 1
point, n. 3 closed-ended questions, each with a value of 2 points, and n. 5
closed-ended questions, each with a value of 3 points.The open-ended
question has a value of 4 points. The evaluation of the answer given to
the open-ended question - from 0 to 4 points - is based on the verification
of the mastery of the Italian language and the technical vocabulary of the
discipline, as well as on the completeness, relevance and coherence of
the answer, in relation to the subject matter of the question.
In case of successful completion of the test, that is with the achievement
of a score of at least 18/30 (sufficiency), the student has the right to
accept or refuse the vote.
In case of simple acceptance, the subsequent verbalization will be carried
out electronically.
In case of acceptance of the grade obtained at the result of the written
test, but with request for oral integration, the student immediately
submits to oral test.
In case of refusal of the grade obtained at the result of the written test,
the student may reapply at the next appeal, after appropriate
During the tests administered (compulsory test and optional oral
interview), the student will be evaluated, as a priority, in relation to the
following parameters:
a) adequate ability of linguistic exposure (written and oral) of the
concepts, with good command of the technical-legal vocabulary acquired;
he supplementary oral test.
b) the ability to identify and enhance the links between the different
institutions of urban planning law, and public works and public
procurements, demonstrating consistent and systematic preparedness,
that it does not develop as a mere summation of apparently independent
c) adequate reasoning ability, which disregards the formal acquisition
and uncritical repetition of normative data purely literal.
If, due to the continuing health emergency from Covid-19, it is necessary
to integrate the performance of the examinations of profit with the
remote mode, the written test will be replaced by an oral interview, by
administration of n. 4 questions, the first of which - always having as its
object the system of sources of law - will be of a preliminary nature, in
the sense that the incorrect or omitted answer to this question will not
allow the continuation of the oral examination.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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