cod. 1008366

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Tecnica delle costruzioni (ICAR/09)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand:
The aim of the course is to consolidate and strengthen the skills required for a correct and complete interpretation of the structural behavior of existing buildings. The knowledge acquired, also from the point of view of structural behavior, should allow the student to face correctly the analysis of the current state of an existing structure and the design of the interventions for the consolidation, making the most suitable choices also in relation to the structural pathologies and deficiencies found.
- Skills:
The student must have developed the ability to identify and detect all the material, structural and pathological aspects that characterize a historical building and to assume them as the founding basis of the restoration and consolidation project
- Autonomy of judgement:
Upon passing the exam, the student will have developed the ability to critically assess the state of conservation - from a structural point of view - of a historic building, identifying the consolidation techniques most appropriate to the case in exam, balancing conservation, safety and functionality.
- Communication skills:
During the course, students must refine their language skills, with specific reference to the technical terminology of the course, in order to communicate their project effectively and accurately.
- Learning skills:
The student must acquire the ability to critically evaluate different possible solutions and justify their design choices in a wider cultural context.


It is useful to have attended the course of “Analysis and Conservation of Existing Structures” (First Year of the Master degree, Architecture and Sustainable Cities) and the course of Restoration Project, since this Laboratory is its natural evolution. The knowledge of consolidation and structural analysis of historical buildings, as well as of the materials that compose them, is given for acquired in the course, and will be the subject of in-depth study in the specific module.
It is also useful to have followed the course of “History and Theory of Restoration” and “Construction Characters of Historical Buildings”, as well as “Materials for Architecture”.
It is useful to have knowledge of CAD software and multimedia presentations

Course unit content

The course module “Structural analysis of existing buildings” focuses on the analysis of the structural behavior of those elements that are typically part of existing buildings of historical interest (such as arches, vaults, masonry walls, wooden roofs and floors), in order to assess possible pathologies and identify the best recovery and strengthening strategies. Theoretical concepts will be recalled and deepened during the lessons through the discussion of case studies and real projects, in order to highlight the link between the knowledge path of the building, the analysis of its structural behavior and possible consolidation choices.

Full programme

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- Giuriani E., "Trattato di restauro architettonico - Consolidamento degli Edifici Storici", UTET
- Vinci M., “Metodi di calcolo e tecniche di consolidamento per edifici in muratura”, Dario Flaccovio Ed., 2019
- Antonucci R., “Restauro e recupero degli edifici a struttura muraria”, Maggioli.
- Como M., "Statica delle costruzioni storiche in muratura", Ed. Aracne
Further teaching material (copy of the slides used during the course) is available on the Elly 2021 course web-page.

Teaching methods

The course is structured in a series of frontal seminar-type lectures (also with the participation of external experts), aimed at the deepening of those topics that are useful for the development of the project theme chosen by the students, and in revisions of the project work by all the teachers.
A workshop will be also organized, according to the methods described in the general syllabus of the “Laboratory of synthesis in restoration and reuse”.
As regards the project work, students will have to develop the restoration project of a chosen case study (assigned or in any case approved by the teachers) deepening all those aspects afforded in each module of the course through a series of revisions. The revisions are carried out in the classroom (or online, if necessary), by analyzing the material prepared by the students.
Two common revisions are scheduled during the course, in which the students present their case studies to their colleagues and teachers. These intermediate moments of audit are essential to demonstrate the successful attendance of the course and contribute to develop the required communication competences, as well as to verify the progress of the work during the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the year, common revisions are planned (approximately two), with public discussion of the projects. This will allow a first evaluation of the students' language property and communication skills.
The exam will consist in the discussion of graphic elaborates and of a short report of the final project, which will be then developed by the student in his/her work of thesis.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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