Learning objectives
At the end of the course, students will be able to understand how the current distribution of plant species and communities derives from historical causes and current influences of the main environmental factors.
By understanding the principles controlling the natural distribution of plants, students will also acquire the ability to read and interpret the landscape and will have acquired the knowledge bases to manage the plant diversity, also from the perspective of the dynamics induced by climate change and land use.
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Course unit content
Study of the relationships between plant taxa and environment, investigated at individual, population and plant community level. Study of the geographic distribution the plants and of their responses to the variation of the main climatic and soil variables.
Full programme
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"Geobotanica" in Strasburger E. Trattato di Botanica, parte sistematica. Antonio Delfino Editore
Ubaldi D. Geobotanica e Fitosociologia. CLUEB.
Pignatti S. Ecologia vegetale. UTET.
Leuschner C & Ellenberg H. Vegetation Ecology of Central Europe. Springer.
Larcher W. Physiological Plant Ecology. Springer.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures, which can also be attended remotely (synchronously via Teams and asynchronously via the link on the Elly page of the course), in which the topics of the course will be addressed. The topics will be presented by the teacher and discussed through active interaction with students.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam to verify how the knowledge acquired during the course can be used by students to understand the conceptual basis of the conservation of plant diversity and ecosystem functions controlled by plant activities. The exam will be passed when the students reply positively and adequately to two questions out of the three proposed.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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