cod. 1006550

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

D1 – Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will be able to Know and understand:
1. The essential elements of the techniques of production of the major food products of animal origin, which are the raw material for the gastronomic production
2. The breeding systems of farm animals
3. The main factors that influence the quality of the final product.

D2 – applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply acquired knowledge about livestock and animal products in the various working contexts related to the world of gastronomy.

D3 – Making judgements
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Assess the quality of products of animal origin.

D4 – Communication skills
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Express clearly and with appropriate terminology during description of concepts concerning animal products and their derivatives.

D5 – Learning skills
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Learn the concepts of producing animal products;
2. Understand the impact of breeding systems on the quality of animal products.

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to: understand information about the plant production process; know the processes of growth and development of plants, fruit ripening, harvesting and conservation and plant productions intended for transformation; understand which natural and agronomic elements most influence the quality of production; assess the reliability of the information provided by various sources in full autonomy, being able to express own evaluation and criticisms in an effective and scientifically correct way.


Knowledge on Plant biology

Course unit content

Definition of PDO, PGI and "Traditional Products ". Introduction to Organic Farming. MILK : Dairy cow breeding and main characteristics of the dairy cow, main dairy cattle breeds, milk composition, genetic and feeding factors and quality of milk for cheesemaking, changes in mastitis milk. Buffalo, sheep and goat milk: general characteristics of these breedings, milk composition and of chemical, physical and dairy-technological requirements of their milk both for cheese-making and direct use. MEAT AND EGGS: Beef and main characteristics of beef-cow breeding, the major beef cattle breeds, beef cattle categories, characteristics of carcasses and meats and main factors that influence them, typical Italian beef productions. Pork Meat: Pork and main characteristics of pig breeding, main pig breeds reared in Italy, pork carcass characteristics and main factors that influence them. Pig productions typical of the province of Parma. General characteristics of poultry and rabbit breeding in Italy, poultry and rabbit meat production, egg production, organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the eggs. General information on the production of sheep and goat, horses and wild ungulates meat.

Introduction to plant production.
Structure, growth and development.
Climatic variables.
Plants and water.
Plant nutrition.
Seed propagation and agamic propagation.
Soil: physical, chemical and biological proprieties.
Soil tillages.
Plant and soil water.
Weeds and herbicides.
Agricultural systems.
Examples of arboreal and herbaceous crops and their products.

Full programme

1 - Introduction: Description of the structure of the course. Principal characteristics of animal productions. Definition of PDO, PGI and "Traditional Products ". Introduction to Organic Farming.
2 - Cow Milk: General characteristics of dairy cattle in Italy and its characteristics compared to other EU countries and the rest of the world. Major dairy cattle breeds. Composition of milk. Chemical, physical and dairy-technological requirements of milk for grana cheesemaking. Genetic factors and quality of milk. Polymorphism of milk proteins and their technological significance. Feeding factors and quality of milk. Physico-chemical and dairy-technological changes in mastitis milk.
3 - Buffalo Milk: General characteristics of buffalo breeding in Italy. Physico-chemical and dairy-technological requirements of buffalo milk for cheesemaking.
4 - Sheep and Goat Milk: General characteristics of sheep and goat breeding in Italy. Main sheep and goat breeds reared in Italy. Composition of sheep and goat milk. Physico-chemical and dairy-technological requirements of sheep and goat milk for cheesemaking and for direct use.
5 - Beef: General characteristics of cattle meat in Italy and its characteristics compared to other EU countries and the rest of the world. Major beef cattle breeds. Beef cattle categories, characteristics of carcasses and meats and main factors (genetic and environmental) that influence them. Major cuts of meat. Chemical, physical, biological and organoleptic characteristics of the meat. The typical Italian beef productions.
6 - Pork Meat: General characteristics of pig breeding in Italy and its characteristics compared to other EU countries and the rest of the world. Main pig breeds reared in Italy. Carcass characteristics and pork and main factors (genetic and environmental) that influence them. Main processes of transformation of pork meat. Chemical, physical, biological and organoleptic characteristics of the processed products. The typical pig productions.
7 - General characteristics of poultry and rabbit breeding in Italy. Poultry and rabbit meat production. Egg production. Organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the eggs.
8 - General information on the production of sheep and goat, horses and wild ungulates meat.
9 - General characteristics on beekeeping and honey production.

INTRODUCTION TO PLANT PRODUCTION: Factors of production. Yield and quality.
STRUCTURE, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Overview of biology and physiology plant. Development and dry matter partitioning. Analysis and growth indexes (canopy). CLIMATIC VARIABLES: radiation, temperature, rainfall. Crop injury by high and low temperatures. PLANTS AND WATERPLANT NUTRITION: Main mineral nutrients, excess and deficiency. Antagonisms.
Interactions. BIOREGOLATORS: main class and main functions.
SEED PROPAGATION: Seed characteristics and germination in field crops. Dormancy. Sowing and sowing machinery.
AGAMIC PROPAGATION: Traditional and modern techniques.
SOIL: physical, chemical and biological properties. SOIL TILLAGE: Preparatory and complementary tillage operations. Plough and ploughing. Other tillage tools. Alternative techniques.
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. Quenching and tempering. Hydraulic-agricultural arrangements. Excess water and its effects. Aims of slope accommodation. Modern guidelines. IRRIGATION: Aims. Quality of irrigation water. Types of Irrigation.
FERTILISATION: Main available mineral fertilisers on the market. Organic fertilisers. Fertigation. Crop needs.
WEEDS AND HERBICIDES: Preventive methods, physical direct and biological methods. Chemical weeding. Factors influencing the effectiveness of the action of herbicides and their behavior in the soil.
AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS: Monoculture, polyculture, intercropping, crop rotation, biological agriculture. FRUIT: classification. MATURATION, HARVEST, CONSERVATION. Physiology of Fruit ripening and development; post-harvest physiology; principles in harvesting fruit and herbaceous crops.


Bittante G., Andrighetto I., Ramanzin M. “Tecniche di produzione animale” Liviana Editrice, Padova
Slides shown at lesson
Students can find the pdf files of lessons on the Elly platform.

Fabbri A., 2001 - Produzioni Vegetali Edagricole (Available on Elly platform). PowerPoint presentations given by the teacher to be integrated by personal notes taken during the lectures, the material uploaded on the Elly platform and/or by consulting the following texts:
Giardini L., 2012 - L'Agronomia. 6 ed. –Patron, Bologna.
Sansavini S. (ed.), 2012 - Arboricoltura Generale. Pàtron, Bologna
Baldoni R., Giardini L., 2000 - Coltivazioni erbacee. Pàtron, Bologna (Vol. I, Cereali e proteaginose; Vol. II, Piante oleifere ecc.);
Sansavini S., Ranalli P., 2012 - Manuale di ortofrutticoltura. Edagricole, Bologna.

Teaching methods

During the lectures in the classroom, with the use of audio-visual facilities, the characteristics of livestock farm animals and the characteristics of their productions will be presented.

Oral lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of expected learning results described in D1 and parts of those described in D2, D3, D4 and D5, is carried out by oral examination on a series of questions which will be previously provided to students. Through questions regarding the course content will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding. The student must demonstrate that they have mastered the knowledge about the trademarks of typicality and on organic farming, breeding of dairy and beef cattle, on the physicochemical and dairy-technological properties of milk, on sheep and goat and buffalo productions, on the production of pork, poultry and rabbit, horses and wild ungulates meat, on the production of eggs and honey. By means of the questions will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of linking the arguments and to find solutions to problems, and if it proves to have good reasoning skills and independent judgment. It will be also assessed the appropriate specific language.
For students with DSA, appropriate compensatory and dispensatory measures will be implemented.
In the event of an emergency situation due to the COVID pandemic, the exams will be held in remote.

Oral exam. The exam will be organized as a series of open questions on the subjects addressed in class and that will be previously provided to the students. In particular, in addition to verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge, the ability to connect the general part with one or more individual species discussed during the course will be evaluated. Registration for the test takes place online through the ESSE3 SYSTEM. The oral exam, if carried out remotely for emergency due to COVID pandemic, will be carried out on the MS Teams platform.

Other information


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