cod. 1008767

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Marco IEVA
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
28 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The lab aims to make students understand the topics of Campaign Management, Loyalty Marketing, CRM and Business Intelligence. The final goal is to develop students with theoretical and practical skills in using software employed in this area. Finally, the lab aims to train students in teamworking and to develop their presenting skills.


It is a key requirement having attended the course “Loyalty Marketing and CMR” held by Prof. Ziliani and Prof. Ieva.

Course unit content

The Comarch Loyalty and Analytics LAB is specifically devoted only to the master students of the second year of our Master in Trade and Consumer Marketing. Please ignore if you find a different information. It is key that participants to this lab have already attended (or studied) the course of Loyalty Marketing and CRm taught by Prof. Ziliani and Prof. Ieva.
The contents of this course are as follows (only macro-areas are described):
- Business Intelligence
- Micro-segmentation
- Campaign management
- Promotion management
- Artificial Intelligence

Full programme

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There is no textbook. Students are required to learn by means of lectures, slides and group assignments.

Teaching methods

The lab includes lectures held by managers from Comarch and Prof. Ieva, group assignments and group presentations of the student project works.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation of students occurs at every class: presentations and assignments are evaluated continously.

Other information

Applications for the lab are already closed. Information related to the course schedule and the rooms will be emailed by the professor to the selected students. Students are strongly advised to monitor their email everyday.