Learning objectives
For objectives of this course see attached file b of d.m. 616.
Knowledge and understanding skills: students need to know and understand the themes they have learned during lessons and know how to apply them Judgment autonomy: The student will have to develop the ability to think about the topics dealt with in the lesson Communicative Skills: Students must develop skills to understand and get involved in technical situations Ability to learn: the student will need to improve the ability to learn through the development of a technical protocol
Course unit content
The teaching of motor activity in different age groups (pre-fit) 12 CFU is compliant with d.m.616.
The contents covered cover area D as provided in d.m. 616: Movement concepts, mobility, coordination, muscle contraction Elements of physical exercises for age groups: 5-10 years, 11-14 years, 14-18 years Elements of adult physical activity (age group 18-65 years) Elements of Physical activity (age over 65 years)
Full programme
Movement concepts, mobility, coordination, muscle contraction Elements of motor activity for age groups: 5-10 years, 11-14 years, 14-18 years Chronological and biological age Basics for the development of sports results Capacity to adapt to loads in children and adolescents Importance of training on energy metabolism and anabolic metabolism Maximum and sub-maximum training effects comparison Load capacity and adaptation Rule of Roux Characteristics of major development for load capacity Load setting principles Exercises to improve the sense of body in the erect station, in the supine or moving body Exercises for the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities (Exercises for the back, abdomen, buttocks and back muscles of the thigh, exercises for lateral muscle and trunk muscles, exercises for scapula fixators and back muscles, Muscle exercises Of the neck, exercises for the front, back, medial and external muscles of the thigh and leg, exercises for the musculature of the plantar vault). Exercises (spine, upper and lower limbs). Exercises for joint mobility (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle) Testing for speed tests (skip, podaping tapping, optojump test). Advice on speed training (when to do it, fatigue and recovery, distances to travel), examples of exercises for speed training. Coordination capacities (training exercises) Concepts of coarse motility and fine motricity Resistance training in young and teens (concept of VO2 max, sub-ceilings tests, examples of strength training exercises) Adult motor activity (age group 18-65 years) General and specific heating concept Adult Resistance Training Bases (parameters: VO2 max and lactate) Thoughts on strength training methods (intensive and extensive) Notes on strength training methods Rapid force and maximum force Quick Force Measurement Test (jump up, jump and reach, squat jump) Auxotonic dynamic training (eccentric and concentric) Concept of maximum force and desmodromic machines Quickness training methods: starting conditions (signals, position, towing, training terrains), basic concepts of cyclic and acyclic speed "Core training" general principles, Core strength of core stability, Tools: examples of exercises with fitball, medical ball, BOSU or propriocettivo dome, bruise proprioctic training, kettlebell and TRX, elastic carpets Plank and bench Examples of specific "core training" (tennis, football, dance) Motorcycle activity age range> 65 years Training skills (balance, joint mobility and coordination) Examples of stretching exercises, examples of exercises for the trunk Examples of exercises for hypertensive individuals, for cardiopathic individuals
The reference books for pre-fit activity are:
Froener. Principi dell'allenamento giovanile. Ed Calzetti Mariucci
Fancello ML. L'importanza della forza. Edizioni Calzetti Mariucci
Ferrante e Bollini. Teoria, Tecnica e pratica del core training. Edizioni Calzetti Mariucci Slides from oral lessons
Teaching methods
Oral lessons and practical exercitations